Search Results for “Selena Gomez ”

August 24, 2011
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Selena Gomez Gets Sexy

I don’t recall ever really thinking Selena Gomez was sexy. Perhaps that’s because she’s dating Justin Bieber so I automatically think of her as underage. Regardless of the reason, I have to admit these photos, taken at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, New Jersey, mark the first time I’ve ever really though of this girl as a babe. Sure she’s always been ‘cute’ but she genuinely looks attractive here. At the same time, that alone is enough to make me feel a little weird about these pictures. Glittery, slinky outfits just aren’t what I think of when I think Selena Gomez and I’m not sure that’s a bad thing. The outfit looks great on her and she looks like she feels very confident but something about the whole thing just seems wrong. Perhaps I’m being too critical. Perhaps there is no perhaps about it. She looks great – no reason to complain about that, especially if it means getting pictures like these ones more often.

August 13, 2011

Selena Gomez At The 2011 Teen Choice Awards

I like Selena Gomez. I mean, I don’t really care for her music and I haven’t seen much of her acting work, but as a person, I think she’s pretty okay. She seems to have a fairly down to earth attitude for someone her age who is as successful as she is. Here at the arrivals for the 2011 Teen Choice Awards held at the Gibson Amphitheatre, Selena looks lovely – fresh faces and adorable. What gets me about these pictures though is the dress. It’s a little more mature than what I’m used to seeing Selena wear and I definitely appreciate that. She looks more grown up – sexy even. While others may have been using those words to describe Selena before – I probably even have a time or two – it’s becoming more true every day. Little Selena

August 4, 2011

Selena Gomez Sunbathing In Orlando

I really had no idea what to come up with for a title for this one. I mean, technically, Selena Gomez isn’t sunbathing topless as she stays concealed but she has untied her bikini top and that’s kind of topless, isn’t it? I don’t know. I guess you have to do what you have to do to avoid those nasty tan lines. I like Selena in a weird sort of way. I like these pictures of her, taken in Orlando, because they show her just sort of relaxing and being a normal teenager. Of course, as these pictures hit the press, so too did rumors that she and Justin Bieber have broken up. Apparently those rumors aren’t true but I don’t know how anyone would be surprised. They’re just young things yet. For now though, all is well with Selena and Justin.

June 1, 2011

Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber Kissing

Boy oh boy there was a lot of Bieber hate going down in here the last time a Gomez/Bieber post came up. I don’t really get why people hate this kid so much. He is just a kid after all. He has a decent amount of talent although, I mean, has his voice even changed yet? Has he hit puberty? If not, what does that do to his career? Anyone remember Aaron Carter? Anyway, whatever. Here we have more pictures of Justin and Selena in Hawaii. Let me focus on Selena. This girl is adorable. She knows how to rock a bikini and I definitely can’t hate on her for that. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders. I like that, especially considering how some of her contemporaries are dealing with fame. I love Selena and I’m glad she seems to be so happy.

May 26, 2011

Bikini Clad Selena Gomez And Shirtless Justin Bieber

So Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber kissed at the Billboard Music Awards and now we have these pictures of them roaming around in Hawaii together. I honestly have no idea what to say about these pictures. Other outlets are saying things about purity rings and all of that, but I don’t really care what these two crazy kids are up to when the cameras aren’t rolling. I think they make an adorable couple. I actually really like Selena Gomez. She’s pretty but not in the stereotypical way. Her music is fun. I think she is a good match for the Biebs. It doesn’t hurt that they’re both adorable, but I think Selena will help him keep his head on his shoulders. She seems to have done a pretty good job of keeping herself grounded.

January 24, 2011
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Selena Gomez In Sweats At The Airport

I like Selena Gomez. She’s like Miley Cyrus without all the drama. Sure that can be a little boring, but I’ll take boring over crazy any day. Will she stay wholesome and sweet? Who knows. I’m betting as time passes we’ll start hearing more stories, but for now, she seems about as innocent as a girl can be in the business she’s in. Here at the airport, Selena proves that you don’t need to wear tiny outfits to be sexy. The girl even looks hot in sweats. I’m a little disheartened that she’s dating Justin Bieber. I mean, surely she can do better, but hey – the heart wants what it wants. It could be worse. She could be dating John Mayer or something.

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