Search Results for “Vanessa hudgens hot”

January 27, 2012

Sexy New Pics Of Vanessa Hudgens And Her Boyfriend

I won’t lie. I’m loving this beach vacation Vanessa Hudgens seems to be on. She looks like she’s having a great time with her new boyfriend Austin Butler and that’s so good to see. Vanessa has had a rough go of it so seeing things starting to look and seeing her with what looks like a very genuine smile on her face is great. I remember back when the second set of naked Vanessa Hudgens pics hit the net. I really thought a lot less of her for them. Sort of a fool me once sort of deal. I felt bad about that when word came out that the second set was actually taken at the same time as the first set and that whoever had stolen them was splitting them up into groups to release every time Vanessa had a new project coming out. That seems like more than a ploy to make money or embarrass her. That seems to me like a personal grudge. It’s a shame. She made a mistake but Vanessa seems like a strong young woman capable of moving on and rebuilding herself. Perhaps her relationship with Austin is another step on that journey.

January 26, 2012

Vanessa Hudgens And Austin Butler Continue Their Vacation

Vanessa Hudgens and her new boyfriend Austin Butler are on vacation together and seem to be enjoying a whole lot of time on the beach. Know what that means? Lots of new pictures of Vanessa in a bikini. I decided to check out what Vanessa’s up to so I could write about more than how hot she is and how happy she looks. This is what I learned. Vanessa has a new movie coming out later this year that I absolutely have to see. It’s called “Gimmie Shelter” but no, it has nothing to do with music. Instead, it’s a gritty drama based on a true story and in it, Vanessa isn’t relying on those trademark good looks. In the promotional pictures from the film, we see a much less glamorous Vanessa and I have to say, I think the decision to make this movie was a very smart one. Let’s focus on something that rarely gets attention – Vanessa’s honest talent. This girl could be a great actress and have a long career ahead of her if she continues to make smart moves. I’m rooting for her.

January 22, 2012

Sexy Vanessa Hudgens And New Boyfriend Austin Butler In Hawaii

There was a time when I wasn’t a big fan of Vanessa Hudgens but that time has passed. I may be perhaps the only person in the world that enjoyed “Suckerpunch” but that doesn’t change the fact that I did enjoy it and that had a lot to do with Vanessa Hudgens. I haven’t been a fan of her more teen targeted work like “High School Musical” and the related films/music but I really think Vanessa has what it takes to have a bright career. She’s talented and she’s beautiful – two things that will get you far in the industry. Here in Hawaii, Vanessa seems to be having a great time with her new boyfriend, Austin Butler. I think they make an absolutely adorable couple and I love the fact that they don’t try to hide their affection for each other from the paparazzi. I hope these two stay together. They seem very happy and Vanessa deserves the happiness.

August 17, 2011

Vanessa Hudgens Shows Off Her Legs

I’m not normally the type of person that would call out a celebrity for gaining weight – especially not a young female celebrity – but I’m not sure I can avoid it this time. Here with sister out shopping in Studio City, Vanessa Hudgens is looking a little bigger than she usually looks. Her face is a bit rounder and she seems to be covering her stomach. I recently heard from a few different gossipy types that there are rumors circulating that young Vanessa may be pregnant and these pictures have me wondering if that’s true. Perhaps that’s the only reason I noticed the rounder than usual face and the baggier than usual clothes. To be fair, I don’t know Vanessa and I don’t know anyone who knows her and I’ve heard those same pregnancy rumors about pretty much every celeb in the business at one point or another. I’m just saying a bun in the over would explain the possible weight gain. It is possible that the outfit just isn’t really that flattering. Her hair could also give her face the rounder appearance. Who knows? One thing is for certain though, Vanessa has a killer set of legs.

July 27, 2011

Vanessa Hudgens Upskirt Pics

I know that it’s not like we’ve never seen what’s up Vanessa Hudgens’ dress, but it’s always nice to get an unexpected peek. Here in Los Angeles, Vanessa once again proves what so many starlets have proven before her – getting out of a car without flashing your undies at photographers is freaking rocket science. It can’t be done and thank heavens for that. I’m kidding of course. Vanessa has really grown on me as time as passed. I wasn’t a huge fan of ‘Sucker Punch’ but I thought she did a great job in it and she certainly looked gorgeous. I’m looking forward to seeing where her career goes over time.

May 14, 2011

Vanessa Hudgens In Studio City

I know I give Vanessa Hudgens a hard time sometimes but I have to admit, I like casual Vanessa. The girl has really been changing my mind about her lately. Seeing her in a more relaxed set of pictures, only serves to further that improving opinion. It’s easy to forget sometimes that these girls are just girls like any other. They might be more attractive and they might have more money, but they are human beings. I was Vanessa’s age not too long ago, and I made some bad decisions. If I ever become famous, there is a TON of dirt the press could use against me – most of it makes Vanessa’s dirt look tame. I’m officially forgetting all those nude pictures. Most girls have at one point or another taken racy pictures of themselves. It’s curiosity more than vanity. Here in Studio City, Vanessa looks like any other girl her age – she just happens to be super hot and famous. Team Vanessa?

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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