Search Results for “bikin”

December 15, 2007

Amanda Beard’s Fun At The Beach

Amanda Beard recently had a day of fun at the beach with a guy “friend.” Yes, some guys do get very, very lucky, indeed! One of the pictures here even show the dude having the chance to “molest” Amanda’s tiny little tush. Yes, life can be unfair sometimes. As for Amanda, she’s sporting one fine body these days. Just look at those abs! Wonder if she ever does like a million sit ups everyday?

Amanda Beard

December 12, 2007

Brooke Hogan Beachin’

Aspiring singer Brooke Hogan is out and about in her teensy weensy bikini at Miami Beach. Which brings me to ask – how come she’s having fun while her family is supposed to be in a crisis? (parents getting a divorce, her brother getting indicted and her brother’s friend living like a vegetable in a hospital somewhere) Now that’s odd. Anyhoo – Brooke also brought her male “friend” along for the swim. Sorry boys, looks like she’s taken!

Brooke Hogan Bikini

December 6, 2007
1 Comment

Gemma Atkinson Surf’s Up!

As you can see here, Gemma Atkinson is not ONLY one of the most famous models to come out of Great Britain, but she is also very talented with the water sports. Here she is looking svelte and fabulous and enjoying the surf and waves while in Australia. And she’s not just supermodel, she’s part human too. When she crashes, she takes it in stride, and looks OH so good doing so.

Gemma Atkinson Bikini

December 3, 2007

Kate Moss Topless Pictures

It seems that Kate Moss has gotten over the breakup with Greasy Pete, as here she is in Mexico enjoying some sun and vacay time. She is taking full advantage of social liberties there by partaking in a topless afternoon and I say, good for her! It’s about time we saw her enjoying herself. And dare I say she is looking a little less waifesh, and much healthier these days? And she even seems comfortable in her own skin as well, which means perhaps our Kate is getting a little healthier on every level. Good to see her doing so well!

Kate Moss Topless

November 29, 2007

Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Packin’ It ON

Here is Jennifer Love Hewitt enjoying some quality time on the beach with her main man. This star of Ghost Whisperer has always been revered for her smokin’ body and slammin’ looks so it is a little surprising to see her bikini romping with some curves that go beyond healthy. And what, is that cellulite I see at the back there? Well, if she didn’t spend so much time tugging at the ass on her suit, less attention would be drawn to it definitely. But the girl has definitely packed on a few since her teensy days of Party of Five. Give her props for braving the photographers with a suit AND body that doesn’t quite match, but hey, she’s healthy, right?

Jennifer Love Hewitt Bikini 15.jpg

November 28, 2007

Nicole Scherzinger Topless!

Take a gander at the most recent photo shoot by Nicole Sherzinger. She is taking some risks here outside of her normal comfort zone by running some topless shots out for the boys. Ok, technically, she’s got *something* on top, but I don’t really think it classifies for anything that belongs in the shirt, top, or blouse department, do you? Uh no. And as we can all PLAINLY see, the girl likes her bikini wax as well. Is it gross when another woman recognizes this? Or gross that a woman can’t HELP but recognize this??? Hmm…

Nicole Scherzinger Topless

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }