Search Results for “black”

July 20, 2013
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Now For Some Helen Flanagan Bikini Pics

It’s no secret that I’m a little hard on Helen Flanagan sometimes but this is not going to be one of those times. Why? Because I really like these photos a lot. These black bikini pics from Majorca could be enough to completely change my mind about Helen. Well, maybe not but I do really think they’re fantastic. I like this side of Helen and I don’t just mean because of the teeny bikini. I like these photos because they give us a more realistic view of who Helen is. When we see candids of her outside clubs or whatever, she’s got her hair and makeup done and that isn’t the case here. She’s really quite lovely without all that makeup and with her hair just casually thrown up. I love the bikini as well. It’s killer on her. These are great shots and boy, does it feel good to write nice things about Helen again.

June 15, 2013
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Rosie Jones, Rhian Sugden Lingerie Shoot With Nip Slip

I love it when everything just seems to come together perfectly in a photoshoot. This is a great example. What we have here is two of the sexiest British models working in the fashion industry today clad in black lingerie posing for a few photos together. How could this shoot be anything other than smoking hot? We also have a very slight nip slip which, while not a big deal to me, is probably going to make some of you very happy. I love everything about these photos. I love the stunning models in them. I love the lingerie. I love the posts. Yes, I really do love everything. This is such a sexy, sexy shoot. I can barely even deal.

May 18, 2013
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Sexy Behind The Scenes Shots A Miranda Kerr Swimwear Shoot

I feel like I say this over and over again, but I love behind the scenes shots of Miranda Kerr photoshoots. This particular photoshoot took place in Miami and features Miranda looking absolutely incredible in a one piece black bathing suit. I always love shoots that feature one piece suits. I get that bikinis are typically thought of as more appealing but I like a nice one piece every now and again. It breaks up the monotony a bit. Of course, I’m pretty sure anything would look good on Miranda. She could put on a trash bag and make it look sexy. There’s just something about this woman that absolutely kills me in the best possible way. Great photos of a ridiculously beautiful girl.

May 17, 2013
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Christina Aguilera Flashback: Sexy Rolling Stone Pictures From 2003

I know people like to give Christina Aguilera a hard time about gaining weight but I’ve always thought she was gorgeous, regardless of her body type. There’s just something about her I find incredibly appealing. That something is on full display in these photos from Rolling Stone magazine (June 2003). First, I love the nipple rings peeking through the shirt. Maybe it’s a little trashy but Christina was going through her trashy phase back then and I always felt it worked for her. She really owned the super sexual image she fostered and I always got the feeling she was in control. I found that incredibly sexy. I find it incredibly sexy in these photos as well. I have to admit I don’t love the black hair but it was an interesting experiment. I’m glad she didn’t stick with it long though.

March 16, 2013

So I Had This Dream About Adriana Lima …

A few nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night after what I like to call “the hamburger dream”. When I was little, my mother didn’t have a lot of money and that sometimes meant we had to go without food. I’d go to bed after not eating all day and I’d dream of a big, fat hamburger sitting on a plate right in front of me. I’d open my mouth to take a bite and wake up just before I could sink my teeth in. I’d look around confused, wondering where my hamburger went only to have the crushing realization that my subconscious was a jerk and had played a cruel joke on me. Now that I’m older, well, okay – I write online for a living. That often means I don’t have food because this isn’t a job you do if you’re looking to get rich – or pay the bills, for that matter. Anyway, I still have the hamburger dream on occasion (although now it’s usually a Tim Horton’s Chicken Wrap or chicken nuggets) and it’s still just as disappointing to wake up and find I’m trying to eat my pillow. What does all this have to do with these photos of Adriana Lima in Los Angeles? Well let me tell you. The other night, I had the hamburger dream, as I mentioned. This time though, I wasn’t alone in my dream. I was on a beach relaxing in a beach chair when Adriana Lima came over to me. She said she’d seen a post I wrote about her and wanted to buy me dinner. I wasn’t going to turn that offer down so I got up and suddenly we were in our bikinis in some fancy beach restaurant. Everyone else was in full black tie garb and I felt self conscious. Adriana told me it was okay because we were just a little early for bikini time. Suddenly I looked around and everyone had changed into bikinis – including the men, which was weird. Anyway, we laughed for a bit and Adriana asked what I wanted to eat. I, for some reason, suddenly felt panic because I was with Adriana and although I was starving, I didn’t want to eat more than she was eating. Then for some reason, we were in the kitchen of the restaurant and all of the food was in front of us. Adriana started eating everything in sight and I was just about to take a bit of a chicken nugget when I woke up. It was like the disappointment of a hamburger dream multiplied by a number I can’t even calculate but I couldn’t really feel the full weight of that disappointment. I was too busy trying to wrap my head around what was by far the weirdest dream I ever had – and I once had a dream my ex-boyfriend turned into a bucket of chicken my family wanted to eat. Yes. These are the things I dream about. A shrink would have a field day with me!

February 3, 2013

Francesca Eastwood Is Such A Babe.

Francesca Eastwood is Clint Eastwood’s daughter. How does that happen? No seriously – how? I know how babies are made and all that but I don’t get how all these super hot women keep being born to not to such super hot parents. In fairness, I suppose Clint was pretty hot in his day and her mother, Frances Fisher, is pretty attractive as well but Francesca is a babe of outrageous proportions. I guess it just surprises me, especially considering Francesca’s rather liberal leanings. She is dating notorious photographer, Tyler Shields, after all – a guy that is no stranger to rather risque photoshoots (while I happen to love). In these photos from California, Francesca shows off her good genes in a sexy black bikini. Hard to find any flaws here. I love Francesca. I hope she is able to make a name for herself and not just find herself stuck with the ‘mostly known for being the daughter of someone famous’ label.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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