Search Results for “car”

June 21, 2011
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Katie Price Upskirt Pics From London

Rarely do I get the chance to show off my poetry skills here on HQ Celebrity, but this is one of those rare opportunities. Are you ready? Here goes:

“Here in London,
Not in France,
I see Katie’s underpants.”

Genius right? Yeah, I know. Terrible, but who cares? Katie Price is flashing her panties. I feel like I just wrote a post like this the other day. Perhaps it was the Taylor Momsen post. I will never understand why it’s so hard for celebrities to get out of cars without flashing undergarments. Let’s hope they never figure it out though. What would life be without upskirt shots?

June 17, 2011
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Sexy Rose McGowan Leaves The Salon

People love to give Rose McGowan crap. I am not one of those people. I love this girl more than I love little baby kittens. She can do no wrong in my eyes. First of all, she’s absolutely beautiful – stunning. Second of all, she has real guts. She speaks her mind and stands up for herself and I love that in a woman. Has she had work done? Come on, people. Who honestly cares? In the entertainment industry, you’d be hard pressed to find someone that hasn’t. It’s sort of a non-story isn’t it? How about we focus on the fact that she’s a strong woman who portrays strong female characters on the big screen. Here in Beverly Hills leaving a salon, Rose looks absolutely adorable. I love the outfit. I love the glasses and I love the Rose. You can disagree if you like. It’s you’re right, but no one’s going to change my mind on this one.

June 15, 2011
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HQ Performance Pics Of Jennifer Lopez

I know I’ve spoken of my change of heart on the subject of Jennifer Lopez before, but I would like to revisit the subject in honor of these pictures. I’d always heard Jennifer Lopez was a diva and I’d always assumed it was true because the woman is so fierce on stage. Normally when you hear about a strong, confident woman, you also hear about their diva antics. After watching her on ‘American Idol’ though it became pretty clear that motherhood had softened the once fiery female. I wondered what that meant for her music career. Looking at these pictures from the Summertime Ball at Capital Radio’s London, I have decided it doesn’t mean anything for her career. She still owns the stage. She still rocks the crowd. She’s still that fierce diva, but she’s a fierce diva with a soft side and I love her even more for it.

June 14, 2011

Taylor Momsen In See Through Dress

When I first loaded these pictures, I was shocked. Taylor Momsen wearing an actual dress – and not a black one at that. I was impressed. Then I scrolled down and saw the whole see through thing and the hauling the hem up around her waist and realized that dress or not, Miss Momsen is still Miss Momsen. Even in a see through dress, Taylor finds a way to make things even more trashy. I’m done giving her a hard time about it though. Trashy is just sort of her thing. Here in Amsterdam live with her band ‘The Pretty Reckless’, Taylor seems to really be at home on stage. Considering her acting and modeling careers have seen better days, it’s a good thing she has music going for her. I like Taylor and I’m hoping she has a bright future ahead of her even if I’m not really counting on it.

June 13, 2011
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Nicole Scherzinger Shakes Her Ass

You gotta hand it to Nicole Scherzinger. She definitely knows what her audience wants to see and what her audience wants to see is Nicole shaking her ass for all she’s worth. I have high hopes for Nicole and her solo career. She’s long been my favorite Pussycat Doll, I loved her on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and I can’t wait to see her on ‘The X-Factor’ but I’m far more interested in seeing what her solo career holds. She hit the ‘American Idol’ stage a few weeks back to perform her new single and I honestly didn’t care for it. Here at the Summertime Ball at Wembley Stadium, I am liking how the music looks as far as performances go, but I’m a little nervous about how it’s going to sound. After all, this isn’t the first time Nicole has attempted a solo career and it didn’t go so well for her the first time around. Hopefully she has better luck this time.

June 13, 2011
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Recent Pics Of A Taylor Momsen Performance

It’s good that Taylor Momsen has The Pretty Reckless to fall back on if her acting/modeling career doesn’t work out because they seem to be doing quite well. Performing live at C-Club in Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany, Taylor owns the stage and works the crowd like any good front person does. I actually really like The Pretty Reckless even if I’m not completely sure how I feel about Momsen yet. She is a girl beyond her years – at least as far as her stage attire goes. I’d bitch about the fact that she isn’t wearing pants again, but hey, at least she wore a jacket for at least part of the performance. I’m not sure I buy her whole “I’m a punk rocker” deal, but whatever. She may have parted ways with ‘Gossip Girl’ and her high profile gig as the face of the Material Girl clothing line, but if she keeps herself together, she could easily have a successful career in music.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }