Search Results for “car”

April 5, 2013

Sophie Turner And Her Ridiculous Rear End

I’m sorry but is that thing real? I mean, come on. It’s just so round and firm and perky. Can an ass be perky? If an ass can be perky, Sophie Turner’s ass is most definitely … you get the point. I have to admit though, there is something about her that bothers me. I’m not entirely sure what that something is. Perhaps it’s the way she looks like she’s posing even when she’s just walking to her car. It just all seems a bit phony to me. What I think doesn’t really matter though. There are more than enough people out there who look at Sophie and see near perfection and I’m sure their numbers far outweigh the people that would agree with me.

April 5, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence Nearly Falls Out Of Her Top

I know, I know. These photos have been all over the internet and back twice by now but I’ve been having some computer issues that have prevented me from posting. Technology hates me. What can I say? Lateness aside, I can’t help but chuckle when I see these photos of Jennifer on the set of the new David O. Russell movie in Boston because I instantly think back to Seth MacFarlane’s Oscar song about boobs. I have to wonder if she thought the same thing. All that aside, Jennifer looks incredible in these photos, just like she always does. I know it’s not always wise to try to predict the future of young actresses that reach a certain level of fame because a lot of things could go wrong but I don’t think we have to worry about that with Jennifer. She seems like a smart, talented, grounded young woman that has a sense of humor about herself but is still strong and poised. I think this girl is going to be around for a very long time.

March 24, 2013
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Miley Cyrus Hangs Out Poolside In A Bikini

Yeah, I’ve gotta admit it – I’m a big fan of this new Miley Cyrus we’re seeing so much of. She’s distanced herself so much from the girl she used to be. She’s showing off a new, more mature style and I can really get behind that. I’m not convinced it’s genuine, but I think it’s a lot more genuine than what we used to see. I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about Miley and her fiance, Liam Hemsworth, but I’m not going to buy into them until it’s confirmed by either Miley or Liam. Did he cheat on her? Did she cheat on him? Have they broken up? Did they break up a long time ago? I have no idea and I honestly couldn’t care less either way. I think they make a cute couple but they’re both very young. They’ll bounce back.

March 24, 2013

Courtney Stodden, You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

Every time I’m assigned a set of Courtney Stodden pictures, I tell myself that I’m going to be open minded and not have a preconceived notion of what I should expect. I tell myself that the set of photos will be different than all of the other ones we’ve seen. I tell myself she’ll have found some self respect hidden at the bottom of her lingerie drawer and realize she doesn’t have to be half naked to be worth something. Then I open the photos and it’s more of the same old thing. We get it Courtney. You have a nice body. What else do you have? Can you act? Can you sing? Can you do anything other than strike the same exact poses in different costumes. I have to say though, this new set of photos is an all time low for this girl. “Washing a car” in a teeny tiny bikini and big ass heels? That’s not new. It’s not interesting. It’s been done and it’s been done better. If you’re going to steal the same idea a million other women had before you, at least do it better. Otherwise you wind up looking like a lame imitation. You want to be shocking and get attention? Show us you have a brain in that bleach blonde head. That would be truly mind blowing.

March 16, 2013

Nicole Scherzinger Performs At G-A-Y In London

I know a lot of people like to hate on Nicole Scherzinger but I’m not one of those people. I think she’s fantastic. She’s beautiful, talented and has an incredible body. I haven’t yet had the opportunity to take in one of her live shows but judging by these photos from her performance at the G-A-Y nightclub in London I feel I can safely say it’d be a pretty good time. Nicole has a lot of songs I’ve really enjoyed and while her solo career hasn’t exactly set the charts on fire, I think she’s good at what she does and that counts for a lot – at least to me. I think in order for her solo career to really catch on though, she’s going to need to find a way to connect with her audience. I hope that happens. I’d like to see her succeed.

March 16, 2013
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Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherspoon And Drew Barrymore Vacation In Mexico

I am a huge fan of two out of the three ladies in the photos. I will not specify which ones because that just feels mean. Regardless of my feelings on the women as celebrities or as actresses, I think all three are absolutely beautiful. I know a lot of people are going to nitpick these photos of Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherspoon and Drew Barrymore in Mexico, pointing out whatever flaws they see, but I’m not going to be one of those people. I don’t honestly care what they look like in a bikini. I love these photos because I love seeing these women enjoy each other’s company. There is so much cattiness among the women in the entertainment industry. It’s always so nice to see two or three women really forming a real friendship and putting everything else aside. They looked like they had a great time.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }