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August 29, 2012

Tamara Ecclestone Works Out In The Park.

I’m going to go ahead and assume this is a photo shoot of some sort as Tamara Ecclestone doesn’t seem to be doing your average workout here. Some of the shots look a little posed and most women I know don’t work out after visiting with a hair and makeup team. I don’t really care either way though. I think Tamara looks gorgeous in these shots and she also looks like she’s having a great time. I’m not sure I love the pictures as much as some of the other Tamara Ecclestone pictures I’ve written about but they are great shots all the same. I like Tamara. She’s an heiress but she still works to earn her own money. I think that’s admirable.

August 24, 2012

Braless Olivia Wilde Hangs Out On The Beach With Her Dog.

Ugh. Olivia Wilde is so sexy and so cool that she actually gives me a headache. I look at her and I wonder why I can’t be more like her. Did you know Olivia once one a pancake eating contest? That’s right – the petite and sexy lady in these photos could likely eat more pancakes than you. I don’t know why I find that impressive but I do. I also love that she took her name from Oscar Wilde. Nope. She just couldn’t be cooler. I love the fact that she doesn’t seem to be hung up on being perfect. She’s braless. So what? She has no makeup on. Who cares? This woman is the epitome of not caring what other people think about her and I don’t think there’s a thing in this world sexier than that.

August 24, 2012

Denise Richards Doesn’t Get A Fair Shake.

Sometimes it feels to me like Denise Richards has been found guilty by association in the eyes of the general public and I think that’s a shame. She’s a beautiful and talented woman who should get a lot more credit than she gets, regardless of who she’s chosen to day (or marry) in the past. We get it. Charlie Sheen? Probably a bad idea but I admire how far they’ve come as a divorced couple. Their split was nasty in the beginning but the fact that they’ve buried the hatchet for the sake of their kids is truly worth celebrating. There was so much bad blood there and that really seems to have come to an end. Denise even appeared on Charlie’s new show “Anger Management” (which I happen to love, by the way). Denise isn’t the greatest actress that’s ever lived and she’ll probably never do anything Oscar worthy but she’s always enjoyable in the roles she plays and I think that counts for a lot. I’d like to see her have her own successful sitcom someday. I think she could do it if she was given the chance.

August 23, 2012

Jennifer Lopez Is Always Going To Be Gorgeous.

These photos from Wet Republic in LA just seem to reinforce a belief I’ve held for the last several years – Jennifer Lopez is never going to age and she’s going to look stunning forever. It’s a little ridiculous. If anything, she’s only gotten more attractive as the years have passed. She looks more mature now than when she did when she first started getting noticed in the industry but that more mature look really works for her. She is simply stunning. Her bone structure is incredible and she clearly knows how to take care of herself. I’m not sure how I feel about her relationship with Casper Smart but that’s her business, not mine. If she’s having fun and he treats her with respect, all the more power to her. Love seeing J-Lo doing so well. I hope that continues even though she’s no longer an “American Idol” judge. She will be missed.

August 19, 2012

Selena Gomez Wants To Avoid Tan Lines.

Selena Gomez is a beautiful young woman who really seems to know who she is and what she wants out of her career. I think that’s admirable for someone so young. She seems to have the whole fame thing under control which is important for a young woman in the spotlight. Such overwhelming attention at such a young age can definitely lead to problems and I think Selena is doing a fairly good job of avoiding that. In these photos, Selena is looking like her usual lovely self. I’m sure a lot of people are going to have a thing or two to say about that first photo, but she seems pretty cautious when it comes to showing so much and really, there are few better ways to avoid tan lines. What an adorable girl. I can’t wait to see what her future holds. Hopefully nothing but great things.

August 18, 2012
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Ashley Tisdale Reminds Me That Sons Of Anarchy Is Back Soon.

First things first, Ashley Tisdale looks fantastic in these photos. I’m not generally a fan of super short shorts and whatnot but I actually kind of think they work with the stockings (leg warmers?) she’s wearing here. I don’t really get the point but it looks good so I’m going to let the lack of logic of this outfit pass. What really excites me about these pictures though is the fact that they serve as a reminder that in less than one month, “Sons of Anarchy” will be back on the air. It seems like a guest stint on a show like “SOA” is a weird career move for Miss. Tisdale, but I think it’s a smart one. She’s introducing herself to a whole new audience and branching out into new territory. I, for one, can’t wait to see what she does. I also can’t wait for the new season of “SOA” to start. Best show on television? Yes.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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