Search Results for “eve angel”

June 3, 2013

Rachel Bilson Is So Incredibly Adorable

I adore Rachel Bilson. I’ve adored her since her time on The O.C. and my love for her was only magnified when I started watching her on Hart of Dixie. I still believe her role in Zach Braff’s Last Kiss was her finest work to date but Hart would be pretty close to the top of the list for me. In these photos from the Chanel Dinner in Los Angeles, Rachel is pulling off that rare combination of adorable and sexy and I love it. I love the hair, I love the dress, I love the shoes … I love everything about these photos. One thing I feel is important to mention though. Rachel is one of those rare celebrities that looks better (not to mention younger) without a stitch of makeup on her face. I think these photos would be even better if she lightened up on the eye makeup just a little bit. Even so – she looks fantastic. I don’t think I could be more in love with this young lady.

June 1, 2013
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Vanessa Hudgens Makes Messy Sexy

There was a time, not even that long ago, that I wasn’t really the biggest Vanessa Hudgens fan. In fact, I really didn’t like the girl at all. I’m not entirely sure I know what changed. All I know for sure is that something did. Vanessa is quickly becoming one of my favorite young actresses in Hollywood, even if I’m not sure she’s always made the best career choices when going for roles. I think she has a lot of potential. I think what I love most about her though is her willingness to be photographed looking a little less than glamorous, like in these photos that were snapped as she was leaving the gym after a workout session in Los Angeles. Sure Vanessa’s hair is a mess and she clearly chose her outfit for comfort and not fashion. I don’t care. She still looks fabulous in my opinion. If I went to the gym ever, I can guarantee I would look nowhere near as good as Vanessa does in these photos after my workout. Kudos to her for having the guts to keep things casual. It reminds us regular girls that even stars don’t look their best every second of every day. It just so happens that even when Vanessa isn’t looking her best, she’s still one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever laid eyes on.

May 18, 2013
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Alyssa Milano Looks Adorable But What’s Up With The Outfit?

I love Alyssa Milano. I have loved her since her days on Who’s the Boss and have loved each and every thing she’s done since then. One of the highlights of my short lived time on Twitter was getting to tweet back and forth with Alyssa one day about sports. I’m not really a huge sports fan but Alyssa has a way of making me interested. What does any of that have to do with these photos of Alyssa on the set of “Extra” in Los Angeles? Well, nothing but I wanted to make it clear that I adore this girl before I write about how much I loathe this outfit. Alyssa is an incredibly beautiful woman. I don’t understand why she would choose an outfit that’s so unflattering. It’s distracting, really. Alyssa is still in fantastic shape and she has such a beautiful face. I want to be able to focus on all of that but instead, I can’t stop looking at the high waisted skirt and the bizarre shirt. I still love her though – still love her a lot. It’s just the outfit I’m not a big fan of.

March 16, 2013

So I Had This Dream About Adriana Lima …

A few nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night after what I like to call “the hamburger dream”. When I was little, my mother didn’t have a lot of money and that sometimes meant we had to go without food. I’d go to bed after not eating all day and I’d dream of a big, fat hamburger sitting on a plate right in front of me. I’d open my mouth to take a bite and wake up just before I could sink my teeth in. I’d look around confused, wondering where my hamburger went only to have the crushing realization that my subconscious was a jerk and had played a cruel joke on me. Now that I’m older, well, okay – I write online for a living. That often means I don’t have food because this isn’t a job you do if you’re looking to get rich – or pay the bills, for that matter. Anyway, I still have the hamburger dream on occasion (although now it’s usually a Tim Horton’s Chicken Wrap or chicken nuggets) and it’s still just as disappointing to wake up and find I’m trying to eat my pillow. What does all this have to do with these photos of Adriana Lima in Los Angeles? Well let me tell you. The other night, I had the hamburger dream, as I mentioned. This time though, I wasn’t alone in my dream. I was on a beach relaxing in a beach chair when Adriana Lima came over to me. She said she’d seen a post I wrote about her and wanted to buy me dinner. I wasn’t going to turn that offer down so I got up and suddenly we were in our bikinis in some fancy beach restaurant. Everyone else was in full black tie garb and I felt self conscious. Adriana told me it was okay because we were just a little early for bikini time. Suddenly I looked around and everyone had changed into bikinis – including the men, which was weird. Anyway, we laughed for a bit and Adriana asked what I wanted to eat. I, for some reason, suddenly felt panic because I was with Adriana and although I was starving, I didn’t want to eat more than she was eating. Then for some reason, we were in the kitchen of the restaurant and all of the food was in front of us. Adriana started eating everything in sight and I was just about to take a bit of a chicken nugget when I woke up. It was like the disappointment of a hamburger dream multiplied by a number I can’t even calculate but I couldn’t really feel the full weight of that disappointment. I was too busy trying to wrap my head around what was by far the weirdest dream I ever had – and I once had a dream my ex-boyfriend turned into a bucket of chicken my family wanted to eat. Yes. These are the things I dream about. A shrink would have a field day with me!

March 5, 2013

Victoria Justice Celebrates Number 20

I want Victoria Justice to appear on “Dancing with the Stars”. I want it to happen very badly. This woman doesn’t have nearly the name recognition she deserves and I think that needs to change. She’s just as beautiful and talented as many of her contemporaries yet so few people seem to know her name. That’s a shame. “Dancing with the Stars” would get her out there and introduce people to her. Plus, of course, I’d love to see her on the dance floor. In these photos from her 20th birthday party in Los Angeles, Victoria is looking just as beautiful as ever. I love the dress. I love the hair – I love all of it. This is a young lady that just makes me smile. I hope I get to see more of her in the future. I don’t get the opportunity to write about her nearly often enough.

March 2, 2013

Words Can’t Express My Love For Emmy Rossum

In my always humble opinion, this young lady is one of the most beautiful, most talented actresses of her generation. I absolutely adore here. While she’s seen here leaving a medical building at The Grove Los Angeles she looks like she’s ready for the red carpet. There’s something about her that reminds me of the classic, Old Hollywood actresses. Sure she does things on camera Hollywood ladies of old probably would never do, there’s just this class and sophistication about her. I’m not in love with the outfit she’s wearing here but I love her so much it doesn’t even matter. I think this lady is going to be around for a very long time and I’m happy about that.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }