Search Results for “hot bikini”

July 11, 2012
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Sexy New Bikini Pics Of Hayden Panettiere

For a while, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Hayden Panettiere. I was a fan and then I started changing my opinion about her. It’s not that I ever went as far as to say I disliked her per say. I was just really starting to question the direction she was taking her career in. She was showing up to events wearing less and less clothing. She was looking much older than her age. I just couldn’t figure out what kind of statement she was trying to make. Lately, however, I’ve been changing my mind about her again. She’s looking classier when she’s out in public and she’s starting to look her age instead of much older. I love these bikini pics of Hayden because they feel so youthful and fun. It doesn’t hurt, of course, that she looks fantastic. She’s a beautiful girl. I’m glad to say I’m firmly back on Team Hayden again.

July 11, 2012
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Sexy Scarlett Johansson Rocks A Bikini In Italy

I remember seeing Scarlett Johansson’s rear end in “Lost in Translation” and feeling quite confident that I would one day fall in love with the girl. “One day” wound up coming before the end of the movie. Scarlett is, without question, one of my absolute favorite actresses. She’s talented. She’s beautiful. Most importantly, she doesn’t seem to have the enormous ego some of the other actors and actresses of her stature seem to have. Here in Taormina, Italy, Scarlett is just another pretty girl on the beach. She’s spending time with those close to her and having what appears to be a pretty relaxing day. There is just nothing to complain about here. These are beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl.

July 10, 2012
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Sexy Bikini Pics Of Nicole Scherzinger Having Fun At The Beach.

The last time I posted about Nicole Scherzinger, I mentioned Nicole’s lack of success with her solo career and wondered if there was something about Nicole the public didn’t connect with. In the comments, a user named Mike pretty much hit the nail on the head. Nicole is lacking in the personalty department in a big way. Nicole is clearly gorgeous, talented and in fantastic shape but there is something hollow about her public persona. That’s a real shame. I enjoyed her on “The X Factor” but after reading some of the reviews of her time on the show, I think I may be among the minority on that one. Here in Mexico, Nicole is her typically gorgeous self and she really does seem to be having a good time but now that it’s been pointed out, I find it hard not to notice that the photos don’t really look natural. While this was clearly a photo shoot, many performers will be able to pose without looking like they’re posing. Perhaps this is something Nicole could work on. She might have more success. As Mike pointed out, personality counts for a lot in the entertainment industry and I’m inclined to agree.

July 9, 2012
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The Good Times Continue With Even More New Candice Swanepoel Bikini Pics.

I love it when beautiful women like Candice Swanepoel go on vacation. While I love seeing a gorgeous woman relaxing and having a good time, my favorite thing about when hot celebrity women go on vacation is the flood of sexy bikini pics that turn up on a near daily basis. Candice Swanepoel’s Miami vacation is an extra special treat because I don’t often get to see candid shots of this beautiful girl. That makes photo sets like this one a little more special. Candice looks like she’s having such a great time in these pictures and I love seeing that. I like her professional photos, of course, but these candids are a little more interesting to me. Beautiful girl. Beautiful pictures. I hope her vacation continues a little while longer. I’m not ready to say goodbye to pictures like these ones just yet.

July 7, 2012
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More Sexy Bikini Pics Of Gorgeous Candice Swanepoel

Candice Swanepoel is a beautiful woman. I know I say that – or at least something similar to that – every time I post about her, but I think it’s worth repeating. While her physical attributes obviously make her alluring, I’m also a big fan of her general demeanor. She seems like such a down to earth woman. The last time I posted about her, I talked a little bit about how much I like seeing more candid shots of Candice and I’m thrilled to see even more of them with this post. There’s just something about this woman’s smile that melts my heart. Seeing Candice looking happy makes me happy so for that reason alone, I love these photos.

July 6, 2012
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Candice Swanepoel In Sexy New Bikini Pics.

I love these photos of one of my absolutely favorite models, the beautiful Candice Swanepoel. I don’t just love them because she’s absolutely stunning in her bikini. I love them because they offer the chance to see Candice in a more casual setting. I’m far more used to seeing Candice in professional photo shoots. These pictures show Candice having a great time on the beach in such a relaxed and casual way. In some ways, I prefer these pictures to most of the other pictures I’ve seen of her. While Candice is beautiful in her photo shoots, there’s just something so appealing about seeing this side of her. Plus, ya know, she looks phenomenal in a bikini.

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