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July 16, 2013
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Claudia Romani Never Disappoints In A Bikini

I’m sure at some point in time, I’ve written about a set of Claudia Romani that didn’t feature her in a bikini but I honestly can’t remember them. It seems like this woman lives in a bikini and hey, I’m just fine with that. Claudia’s constant bikini wearing means a steady flow of Claudia Romani bikini pictures and that makes me very happy indeed and lately, that’s not always a happy thing to accomplish. Lots of crazy stuff going on in the news as I write this and it’s a little hard to feel positive. Do these shots of Claudia’s banging bikini body in Miami make it all better? Of course not but they certainly take my mind of the doom and gloom for a while so a big thanks to Claudia for that!

July 16, 2013

Holly Willoughby Looks Lovely In London

Sometimes living where I live has its limitations. I’m not able to watch a lot of videos on non-YouTube sites because I get one of those lovely “content not available in your location” warnings and I sometimes miss out on great online sales because shipping to my location is usually an arm and a leg and negates any possible savings I could have gotten. No fun. Probably my biggest complaint about where I live, however, is I often miss out on a lot of beautiful women from the UK simply because I don’t get to watch UK television or read UK magazines. Such is the case with Holly Willoughby – the beautiful young woman in these photos from London. For those of you who, like me, aren’t sure who Holly is, let me tell you what my research turned up. She’s a English model/television host who is mostly known for her work on children’s shows and entertainment shows, including hostingĀ Dancing on Ice in 2010. Now you know.

July 16, 2013

Rihanna Wore A Bathing Suit To Go Shopping

In related news, Rihanna really does have a fantastic ass. In these photos, snapped in Monaco, we see Rihanna heading out for a day of shopping wearing what really seems to be a bathing suit with a little jacket over it and I’m not sure I’m really feeling this look. I normally like Rihanna’s fashion choices but this just feels a little lazy. Throw a skirt on, maybe some shorts. Clearly she was wearing this suit later in the day on a boat and maybe she just didn’t feel like changing. I’ve been there but when do it, I wear a pair or shorts and a tank top or some kind of cover up. Rihanna always pushed the envelope and while I typically like that about her, I’m not sure it worked for her here.

July 16, 2013
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Ashley Tisdale Goes Shopping In Studio City And I’m A Little Bored

I like Ashley Tisdale and all but I’m finding these photos of her shopping in Studio City pretty blah. I mean, they’re just kind of boring, aren’t they. Ashley looks cute and everything but I’d rather see her wearing some of the clothes we see her looking at here. I do like the casual look on Ashley. It works for her but that’s about the only thing that works about these photos for me. I like Casual Ashley. Casual Ashley just has such a laid back vibe about her. It just so happens that I don’t really care a lot for the overall feel of these photos in that they really don’t have much of a feel at all. It’s just Ashley shopping and I’m feeling very meh about all of it. I guess meh is a kind of feeling – just not a good one.

July 15, 2013
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Maria Sharapova Doesn’t Always Do It For Me

I like Maria Sharapova. I think she’s a beautiful woman with a whole lot of talent on the tennis court but sometimes I just can’t get into her photos the way I’d like to. This would be one of those times. In these shots, we see Maria on a Porsche shoot in California and in all honest, I think the cars look hotter than she does here. She’s far from unattractive but I’m not sure she’s exactly bringing her A game here. Maybe the problem is the outfit. I don’t like the shirt at all. It doesn’t really flatter her because, in my opinion at least, it makes her look fairly shapeless. I guess they can’t all be winners.

July 15, 2013
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Helen Flanagan Isn’t Looking Especially Great In These Photos

I give Helen Flanagan a hard time on a regular basis but I typically think she looks sexy – even if I think her ‘sexy’ sometimes ventures too far into the “trashy” side of things. I’m not sure I think that’s true here though. The workout clothes just don’t really flatter her the way her usual attire does. She looks a little … off to me in these shots. It is nice to see her taking a few minutes out of her day as she takes a stroll through the woods in Cheshire but yeah, not sure the outfit is especially flattering. I’m sure I would look far worse than Helen in this particular outfit but that doesn’t change the fact that I still don’t think she looks all that great.

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