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May 18, 2013
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Aly Michalk Makes A Dress Out Of Her Kitchen Curtains

Okay, so I don’t know who made this dress Aly Michalk is wearing here and I’m sure it wasn’t made from curtains but it really looks like it was. I am not even kidding, if the background was an autumn sort of brown, the pattern on that dress would look almost exactly what I’m looking at hanging in my kitchen window at this very moment. Also, is Aly pregnant? There looks to be a baby bump in some of these photos but I don’t recall hearing she was with child. A quick Google search tells me there are rumors out there that she’s going to be having a baby but from what I can tell, nothing has been confirmed. If she is pregnant and trying to conceal her baby bump, I can forgive the dress. If not, Aly might want to have a little conversation with her stylist because if Aly isn’t pregnant, that is one very unflattering dress.

May 18, 2013
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Rihanna Is Always Trying Something New

Here’s what I love about Rihanna – she’s never afraid to try something different. Sometimes it works for her and other times it doesn’t. The hair she’s rocking in NYC in these photos? I think it works for her. I’m sure there are going to be people lining up to disagree with me but I’m just stating my opinion. I think she’s the kind of woman that sees her style as something that’s constantly evolving and she isn’t afraid to run with that. I’m not sure who she’s sticking her tongue out at in this photo but I dunno, I kind of like it. She has attitude and I’m always a bit fan of a lady with attitude.

May 18, 2013

Helen Flanagan Has Some Serious Crazy Eyes

Now, sometimes I like Helen Flanagan and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I have those two very different reactions to different photos in the same photo set and that always leaves me feeling confused. I’ve been working non-stop today and have the season finale of Arrow waiting patiently for me to watch it but I wanted to get at least one more post done before I skipped off to watch it. I don’t feel like being confused right now. But here we are. Some of these photos are great. Others … well, let’s talk about something I find impossible to ignore. The first photo here wouldn’t be that but if it weren’t for that weird look in lady’s eyes. Those are some serious crazy eyes. It’s really kind of disconcerting. She’s given us so much else to look at here but I can’t get passed those eyes. That’s all I have to say here. Those eyes are going to haunt my nightmares.

May 18, 2013

Cindy Crawford Strikes A Pose At Cannes

People can say whatever they want to say about Cindy Crawford. Nothing will change my mind. I think this woman is stunning. She’s always been stunning. She’ll probably always be stunning. It isn’t just her face or her body. There’s just something about her that I find so incredibly alluring. Maybe I’m just so tied to the fact that she was the model when I was growing up. Admitting that she’s getting old means admitting that I’m getting old and I’m not prepared to do that yet. I love these photos from the Cannes Film Festival. She looks incredible in them and still has so much grace and poise on the red carpet. I think the dress is sexy but still classy and I think that’s a good representation of who she is as a person. I love Cindy and I love these photos.

May 18, 2013
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Nina Agdal Is A Stunning Vision

I get a little happy every time I get to post about Nina Agdal. She’s one of those rare treats who only pops up on my assignment list every now and again. Some of the other girls I write about – who shall remain nameless – kind of lose a bit of their appeal because I just see them all the time. Nina is always a special treat and it’s a treat I always know is going to make me very happy. These photos are absolutely incredible. I love each and every photo in this set but I have to say, I think the first one is my favorite. I love the way she’s looking into the camera. Absolutely breathtaking. Love this lady and I love these photos.

May 18, 2013
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Alyssa Milano Looks Adorable But What’s Up With The Outfit?

I love Alyssa Milano. I have loved her since her days on Who’s the Boss and have loved each and every thing she’s done since then. One of the highlights of my short lived time on Twitter was getting to tweet back and forth with Alyssa one day about sports. I’m not really a huge sports fan but Alyssa has a way of making me interested. What does any of that have to do with these photos of Alyssa on the set of “Extra” in Los Angeles? Well, nothing but I wanted to make it clear that I adore this girl before I write about how much I loathe this outfit. Alyssa is an incredibly beautiful woman. I don’t understand why she would choose an outfit that’s so unflattering. It’s distracting, really. Alyssa is still in fantastic shape and she has such a beautiful face. I want to be able to focus on all of that but instead, I can’t stop looking at the high waisted skirt and the bizarre shirt. I still love her though – still love her a lot. It’s just the outfit I’m not a big fan of.

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