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September 1, 2012

Bar Refaeli Is Almost Too Hot To Handle.

The other day, I wrote a little post about Bar Refaeli and in it, I focused a lot on her relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio. I’m not going to do that this time because there are far more important things to write about this time around, namely, how smoking freaking hot Bar looks in every single one of these photos. I am a sucker for a woman in thigh high stockings. I’m a sucker for a woman in a sharp looking hat. For those reasons alone, this set could possibly be my favorite Bar Refaeli set to date. It’s been a good morning. Moments ago, I wrote a post about my favorite Candice Swanepoel photo set to date and now there are these photos of Bar? Fantastic. It’s not going to be all roses and sunshine. Looking ahead at the rest of my assignment list, the morning is going to take an unfortunate turn toward the ragey in about two photo sets so I am going to take a moment or two to bask in Bar’s beautiful glow before I move on.

September 1, 2012

Sexy New Photos Of Candice Swanepoel For Elle

Candice Swanepoel is stunning. She’s absolutely gorgeous and I get a little excited every time I see her name on my assignment list because writing about her is always a joy. This set of photos (shot in BRazil for Elle) is perhaps my favorite Candice Swanepoel set yet though. She doesn’t necessarily look any more or any less attractive than she normally does. What I like about these photos is the mix of professional shots and candid shots. We get to see the photo shoot from another perspective and I enjoy that. It sets these shots of Candice apart from many of the other shots we’ve seen. It’s a nice behind the scenes look at the gorgeous model between poses and I hope this is only the first of many sets like this I get to write about.

August 30, 2012

Christina Milian Is Super Sexy And Her Friends Are Too.

Once upon a time, a very foolish person told me attractive women only hang out with unattractive women so they’ll seem even more attractive in comparison. I never bought it. Well, maybe with a few, very insecure women but for the most part, women, attractive or not, aren’t nearly that catty. Christina Milian is proof of that, as if proof was really needed. Here she is hanging out being gorgeous with her gorgeous friends and there doesn’t seem to be even a hint of jealousy among them. Perhaps that’s why I like these pictures so much. More likely though, I like these pictures so much because I love Christina Milian and I like seeing her looking so happy.

August 30, 2012
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Gianne Albertoni Stops To Smell The Flowers

Until a few short moments ago, I had no idea who Gianne Albertoni was. I opened the pictures not knowing what to expect and I certainly didn’t expect what I found. What beautiful photos of an incredibly beautiful woman. I’ve written about a lot of photos since I began working here but the first photo in this set may well be my favorite so far. All of the photos are beautiful, of course, but that first one really grabs my attention. I guess it’s the subtle reminder it offers to take time out for the little things. I needed this photo today. There aren’t many photos on this site I look at once I’ve published my post but this one will be an exception. I can’t wait to see more of Gianne. She’s a captivating woman.

August 29, 2012

Danielle Lloyd Really Bugs Me.

First things first. Danielle Lloyd is hot. She has a great body and she looks great in a bikini. With all that said, I just can’t get past the ugliness in her heart. This is a woman that is just filled with hatred and I have no time for people like that. In these pictures (taken poolside in Marbella), I can see that Danielle looks as hot as ever but I can’t get past those comments from a few years back when she was on “Celebrity Big Brother”. Bullying is just unacceptable but when someone in her position – a public figure who some very misguided people may look up to – to bullies a fellow contestant in such an ignorant, racist and obvious way, it’s especially troubling. Beyond that, she made herself look like a complete airhead. Want to talk stereotypes? Beauty queens are ignorant, moronic bimbos who have nothing in their heads but hot air and hairspray. Is that true of all beauty queens? Not at all but every time this woman opens her mouth, she just reinforces that stereotype with her catty and astoundingly stupid remarks. And now I’m in a bad mood again. Thanks Danielle.

August 29, 2012

Bai Ling Is Still An Attention Whore.

I hate celebrities that are famous just for being famous. I hate celebrities that take every opportunity to sell themselves to the public, even at the cost of their own dignity. Super revealing outfits in completely inappropriate locations, playing up their accomplishments for the cameras, becoming a fixture on the party scene just to get their names in the headlines – these things all bug me and yet I still like Bai Ling. First, there is one distinction between Bai Ling and many of the “celebrities” she’s often lumped in with. Bai has actually had a few fairly noteworthy roles in movies and on television. I loved her on “Lost” and I thought she was great in her brief appearance in “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow”. Granted, most people know her for being the crazy outfit wearing, chicken dancing girl often photographed outside Hollywood’s most famous hot spots but at least she’s at least tried breaking into the business in a legitimate way. Here in Hawaii, Bai is pouting and posing her way through these photos and I think she looks fantastic. She might be an attention whore but I love her anyway.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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