Search Results for “me”

January 13, 2014
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Katy Perry Kicked My Ass

Katy Perry kicked my ass the night before last. I’ve worked a long, hard night tearing down the store I was managing over Christmas and then – boom! Out of nowhere, there’s Katy Perry and she’s enraged. I can’t remember what I said or did to make her angry but boy, was she angry. Her fists were flying, her boobs were bouncing and those eyes – I saw murder in those eyes. Then I woke up, confused and shaken. Now here I am all these days later, looking at these photos and that ass kicking is all I can think about so thank you, subconscious brain. Thanks so much for ruining Katy Perry for me. I hope you’re happy.

January 12, 2014
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Kat Graham Glams It Up

Kat Graham is such a tragically underrated beauty in the eyes of the general public. When people talk about hotties fromĀ The Vampire Diaries, they always talk about Nina Dobrev, Candica Accola and the line but no one ever seems to mention the hottest of them all, Miss. Kat Graham. This lady is smoking hot. The other ladies on the show are pretty bit Kat is another level. I love these shots of her too because they show Kat’s versatility when it comes to red carpet looks. She’s somehow managed to pull off looking sexy, sophisticated, young and mature all at the same time. Plus, ya know, she’s super hot.

January 12, 2014
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Nicky Hilton – My Favorite Hilton

Yeah, yeah – I like Paris Hilton more than I should but Nicky Hilton? Love her to bits and I don’t even feel bad about it. Nicky strikes me as the quieter, less insane Hilton sister and that’s really what I like her. I think she’s every bit as beautiful as Paris. She’s just not quite as hard on the head. In these shots snapped in Beverly Hills, we see Nicky looking her usual low key self and that’s what I like so much about her. She isn’t all about the attention. She’s Paris without being so … Paris. I could write about Nicky all day.

January 11, 2014
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Claudia Romani And Her Banging Bikini Body

Claudia Romani is just one of those women I can never get tired of. She has the face of an angel and that body of hers? It’s just unreal. Totally out of this world. Of course, I don’t even really need to write that, do I? Just look at these shots snapped in Miami (not to mention the dozens of other Claudia Romani bikini shots we’ve got all over this site) and you’ll see the proof for yourself. I don’t know if Claudia ever wears regular clothes or if she lives in a bikini but I have to tell you, if I looked like her, you can be damn sure I’d be wearing a bikini as often as possible.

January 10, 2014
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Hilary Duff Out And About In West Hollywood

I’ll be the first person to admit my posts on this website can be a little inconsistent. I’ll love a girl one minute and be bored by her the next – usually with no discernible reason. I’m a complicated person, what can I say? The truth is though that I can’t see that happening with Hilary Duff. I love this girl. In these shots snapped in West Hollywood, Duff is looking great. I love the outfit and I love her whole attitude. I can’t say I’ll never tire of Miss Duff but I can say I can’t see it happening any time soon.

January 9, 2014
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Alexa Vega Is Like A Pretty Princess

Alexa Vega has always stood out in my mind but I’ll be damned if I can tell you why. She’s very pretty, of course, and she’s got a fantastic body. She’s talented and she seems fairly down to earth. If I’m perfectly honest though, none of those things really make her all that special. There are a lot of women in Hollywood I could attach all of those words to. I don’t care. Is she a perfect unique snowflake? Not really but I do love her all the same. I guess that counts for something.

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