I know I’m going to get ripped to pieces for this one but I gotta be honest. It’s just who I am. I’m not really all that attracted to Carmen Ortega and I have absolutely no idea why. All the elements are there. She has a great body, a beautiful face and seems to know how to turn it on for the photographer but for some reason, I’m just not feeling particular Carmen Ortega bikini photoshoot in Beverly Hills. They’re sexy, yes, but I’m not really jumping up and down in my seat over them. Okay, so I never actually do that but I don’t even feel the desire to here. Maybe I’m just having an off day. She’s a beautiful girl with a killer body so I should be all over these ones. Instead, I’m just sort of yawning and asking what’s next. Maybe it’s the makeup. I’m not always a fan of heavy makeup. I dunno. I’m sure we’ll see her again and I’ll probably have a completely different opinion next time.
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Search Results for “me”
Sexy Petra Benova Bikini Shots Make Me Smile
I like Petra Benova. She’s not a woman I often get to write about but I’m always happy when the opportunity comes up. These photos from Miami are really a great example of why. This woman just has something so unique and so fun about her. Every time I see a new set of photos, she looks like she’s having a great time. I always find that so refreshing. I am a naturally high stress person. If I’m not stressed out, I don’t function properly. I’ve never known or understood what to do with relaxation time. I suppose that’s why I like seeing people relaxing. I envy that ability. Perhaps one day, I will learn from their example and take a freaking break. I’m sure my body would appreciate it. Teach me how to relax, Petra! I want to learn and hey, if I’m gonna have a teacher, it might as well be a hot one.
Courtney Robertson Makes Me Question My Stance On Reality Television
I have never seen an episode of The Bachelor but I’m quite certain I wouldn’t like it. The idea of a bunch of women competing for the affections of a man (or the other way around on The Bachelorette) just seems wrong and sleazy to me. With that said, I can’t deny this particular contestant has caught my eye. After reading a bit about her though, I’m not sure her personality is quite as appealing as her physical attributes. I mean, she seems kind of sleazy herself but she looks pretty damn good in a bikini. I’m not sure what that counts for in the real world but probably not really a whole lot. Sure she looks good now but beauty doesn’t last forever. Eventually she’ll have nothing but her personality to rely on and from the sounds of it, that’s not going to do her much good.
Jessica Lowndes Suddenly Confuses Me
I recently wrote a post about a set of Jessica Lowndes photos from an Aston Martin event and while I thought her body looked incredible, there was something about the photos that didn’t sit right with me. These photos, snapped in London, are the opposite. Well, not the complete opposite as her body still looks incredible but that’s kind of obvious. When I say opposite, I mean everything about these photos works for me. I like the dark eye makeup. I like the hair. I love her smile. I adore the dress. I’m not sure what I was seeing in the other photos that made them feel a little off for me but whatever it was, it isn’t present in these photos. I’m usually a pretty big Jessica Lowndes fan as well. I guess maybe I was just having an off day. Happens to the best of us, I suppose.
Paris Hilton And Some Guy I Feel Like I Should Know
No really, that guy looks so familiar but I can’t quite place him. After a quick Google search, I discovered his name is River Viiperi and Wikipedia tells me River is a model. Apparently Paris has said she wants to marry her 21-year-old boyfriend of eight months and have children with him. I wonder if River would take her last name? River Hilton sort of has a ring to it, doesn’t it? I honestly have a hard time keeping up with the men in Paris’ life but these two kind of seem happy, don’t they? Who knows. The age difference might seem a little weird to some (Paris is 32 now) but they’ve only got one more year between them than my husband and I do. While some might say he’s just using her to further his career – these photos were taken at Cannes, after all – he was already a fairly accomplished model. Does that mean he absolutely isn’t using her? Not at all. I guess time will tell. Call me crazy, but I’m really hoping it works out for these two, even if the odds (and Paris’ dating history) are against them.
Monika Jagaciak Is Going To Be A Big Name In Modeling
I don’t like making predictions when it comes to the entertainment industry because I’m almost always wrong but I’m going to make an exception with this one. Monika Jagaciak is going places in modeling. She has everything a girl needs to make it big in modeling – the face, the body, charisma … it’s all there. She also has more than enough experience in the industry to have a firm understanding of exactly what she’s in for. She has this way of posing for the photographer that looks so natural and real. Some of these photos are absolutely breathtaking. While there are many women in modeling today – most of them exceptionally beautiful – Monika just has that special something that makes me feel there are going to be huge things ahead. I hope I’m right. I want to see a lot more of this one and soon.
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