Search Results for “me”

April 26, 2012

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Sara Jean Underwood In Las Vegas

These bikini pics of Sara Jean Underwood from the Encore Beach Club at Encore at Wynn Las Vegas in Las Vegas show a few things I love about this woman. First, she’s gorgeous and I’m definitely a sucker for a gorgeous woman. Second, she really seems to have a good time and third, she has the kind of smile that makes me want to smile too. She genuinely looks like she’s having a great time in these photos. I recently wrote a post about Sara Jean in which I talked about her geeky tendencies. I was called out for falling for an act and perhaps I have, but I really do like to think Sara Jean is what she makes herself out to be. If it’s an illusion, it’s an illusion I’d like to keep – right or wrong.

April 26, 2012

Fitness Guru Jennifer Nicole Lee Eats A Banana

I get that Jennifer Nicole Lee has worked very, very hard to look the way she looks and I will always have respect for her for sharing her story with the world. Basically, she was unhappy with her body after she gave birth to her children and decided to do something about it. She started working out and changed her life forever. She’s now one of the hottest fitness gurus in the country and again, I respect that. I’m just starting to wonder if the woman has ever seen a camera she didn’t like. I can’t imagine how much better she feels about her self and her body and I can imagine the cameras snapping away make her feel even better. It’s not that I don’t like these photos, shot in Hollywood, California. Of course I do. She’s a beautiful woman who’s in fantastic shape. I just find they look a little forced. I absolutely love her necklace though. Super cute.

April 26, 2012
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Private Pics Of Kelly Brook In Brazil

Of the things I love most about Kelly Brook, her desire to allow her fans a little glimpse of her private life is pretty close to the top of the list. I love these private pics in Kelly in Brazil. She looks absolutely stunning but more than that, she looks relaxed and happy. For those who aren’t familiar with Kelly or her story, she’s had a rough go of it over the last few years and I admire her ability to bounce back from adversity and find a way to be happy again. That is never an easy thing to do, especially when you’ve gone through something as traumatic as having a miscarriage. While there is still a hint of sadness in Kelly’s eyes, the smile on her face seems real and from the heart. I wish her all the best.

April 25, 2012
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Sexy Natasha Bedingfield At The Tribeca Film Festival

I’ve been a big Natasha Bedingfield fan since she released her first album, “Unwritten”. I haven’t loved every single song she’s released (I’m very undecided on “I Wanna Have Your Babies”) but I’ve enjoyed the majority of her music. Although her career has seen a few ups and downs but I love the fact that she doesn’t seem to let any of the ‘downs’ get to her. She just keeps moving forward and evolving as an artist. I respect that. While music will likely always be what I think of when I think of Natasha, I am excited that she’s branched out into acting with “Russian Winter”. These photos of her, taken at the “Russian Winter” Premiere at the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival, show Natasha looking just as beautiful as ever in a lovely and flattering white dress. I’ve seen a lot of negative comments about her physical appearance (especially on her IMDB) page but I really don’t get why. She might not be what one would typically think of when they think “beautiful” but perhaps that’s why I find her so appealing.

April 25, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Bares Her Belly While Walking Her Dog

It seems like it’s been a while now since the world has gotten a good Miley Cyrus scandal and I’m pretty happy about that. I think a lot of the scandals she’s been involved in have been way over played. The whole weed thing? Who cares. There are a lot of people her age that like to indulge in the stuff from time to time and if that’s the worst thing she’s doing, I’m fine with it. I don’t buy into the “weed is a gateway drug” hype. I know a lot of people who have smoked pot for years yet have never moved on to harder stuff. It’s all about the decisions you make. I personally don’t like weed. I don’t like the smell, I don’t like the taste and I don’t like the way it makes me feel, but if Miley wants to take a puff off a joint or take a hit from a bong, that’s her business. As for these photos, I gotta say I’m a fan. I’ve always been a fan of Miley’s candid pictures because they give us the chance to see a bit of who Miley really is. I’d also like to state for the record that I don’t believe for a minute that Miley is anorexic. Maybe she’s lost weight, but we’ve also seen pictures of her going into Pilates classes. Stands to reason that she might slim down with the whole working out thing. I think she looks healthy in these pictures. She might look a little slimmer than she used to be but not in an unhealthy way. Also, her dog is freaking adorable. Love these photos and wish Miley nothing but the best.

April 25, 2012

Paris Hilton Bares It All… Sort Of

Using nothing but her arm and strategically positioned greenery, Paris Hilton gives the world what it wants – a look at her body. I like Paris Hilton but it’s one of those guilty pleasure sort of things. She’s a spoiled brat. She’s a fame whore. She’s everything I hate in a celeb, but for some reason, I like her. She isn’t the most attractive girl in the world. She has a sort of man-ish thing going on, but she has one heck of a body. I guess she’s got that going for her. The only thing I don’t like about her is the same thing I don’t like about AnnaLynne McCord except multiplied – she’s too damn skinny. I guess coke does that to a person though. Remember when Paris said she didn’t use drugs? I know, I laughed too. I love this kooky, vapid chick. I won’t apologize for that.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }