Search Results for “me”

March 8, 2012

Gillian Anderson Is Still Beautiful

I used to be a huge Gillian Anderson fan but to be honest, I kind of forgot about her there for a while so when these photos popped up (shot at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Moscow), I was excited to see how she’s looking these days. So how is she looking? Pretty darn good. I’ve always loved that Gillian doesn’t need to try to fit in with typical Hollywood standards of beauty. She has her own thing going on. Here’s what confuses me about these pictures though – has she always looked this much like Kate Winslet or is it just these photos? Or, and perhaps more likely, is the similarity my imagination. I have a hard time looking at these pictures without seeing Kate. Not really a problem for me as I love Kate but it’s just kind of weird. Regardless, she looks beautiful. I’m glad to see her again.

March 8, 2012

Alessandra Ambrosio Is Pregnant?

How did I miss that little piece of news? I guess I’m getting behind on my celebrity gossip these days. Anyway, on to the pictures. As always, Alessandra Ambrosio looks absolutely stunning. I love everything about the dress she’s wearing here on ‘El Hormiguero’ in Madrid. The color is fabulous on her and I love the style of the dress. It’s flattering but still offers a little glimpse of her baby bump. I’m always a bit nervous when I see pregnant women in heels like that though. Pregnancy is a lot of stress on the back to begin with. I suppose what she puts on her feet – pregnant or otherwise – is none of my business though. Despite my heel concerns, I love these pictures. She looks like she’s having a great time.

March 7, 2012
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Rachel Hunter Hits The Beaches Of Malibu

I have only ever dreamed of the sunny beaches of Malibu and the like so to be honest, I’m not entirely sure what Rachel Hunter is doing in these photos. Surfing? Paddle boarding? I’m guessing it’s the latter but I am seriously lacking education in water sports. Whatever it is, it looks like fun and it looks like Rachel’s having a great time. I love Rachel Hunter and I think she looks beautiful in these photos. She looks so relaxed and comfortable. That’s definitely appealing. More than anything else though, I love the fact that she’s a famous former model who actually looks like a real woman when she hits the beach. She isn’t perfect and I love that. I don’t get to write about women like Rachel very often so it’s always a treat to do so.

March 6, 2012

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Jennifer Lopez In Rio De Janeiro

Every time I write about Jennifer Lopez I talk about how much I love her. Now that “American Idol” is on the air again and I’m seeing her several times a week on television, I love her even more. I’m a bit hot and cold on Jennifer’s music although I love her acting but I really became a fan with “Idol”. She’s had a hard time escaping the ‘diva’ label and I think the show is finally starting to help her do that. Each time an episode airs, we get to see Jennifer as a real person who sincerely seems to care about the contestants on the show. Here in Rio De Janeiro, Jennifer is showing off two things I’ve always loved about J-Lo – her body and her confidence. This woman is all woman. Love to see her doing so well again.

March 6, 2012

Leaked Cell Phone Photos Of Christina Hendricks

So her ‘people’ have come forward and said the boob shots originally with this set of pictures isn’t Christina but to be honest, I like these pictures far more than the bare breasted ones. Christina Hendricks is one of my favorite television actresses and seeing private photos of her with barely any makeup in the most casual of settings only makes me like her more. This woman is a natural beauty. With that said, I’m a little tired of people hacking celebrity cell phones and leaking the pictures online. It’s such an invasion of privacy. So why am I writing about them? Well, aside from the fact that its my job to write about the pictures I’m given, these pictures are already out there. Does that make me any better than anyone else publishing them? Nope. Not in the least but that’s what helps me sleep at night so there it is.

March 5, 2012
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Bikini Pics Of Bethenny Frankel On The Beach In Miami

I am not a real housewives of anywhere fan. I just don’t get the appeal of the series as a whole. I guess it all comes down to personal preference. While I have my guilty tv pleasures (“Revenge”, “American Idol”, “Dancing with the Stars” etc), I have checked out episodes of various Real Housewives shows and I just don’t get it not that any of the shows need me. They seem to be doing fine. Anyway, despite the fact that I’ve never really seen “Real Housewives of New York” I am familiar with star Bethenny Frankel. She always seems to be getting up to something interesting, in this case that something is strutting the beaches of Miami in a bikini. I’m not sure these pictures really do anything for me but I have to hand it to her. The girl is definitely confident. I suppose I have to give her credit for that one.

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