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April 20, 2013
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Bikini Clad Rachel Bilson Gets Some Sun In Barbados

Words cannot express my deep and unyielding love for Rachel Bilson. She’s absolutely adorable but somehow still manages to be incredibly sexy. The adorable/sexy thing isn’t always easy to pull off. I’d have to say in these photos though, Rachel’s leaning more towards the sexy side of things. The bikini she’s wearing in these photos from Barbados really works for her. I think these photos are great. Rachel looks like she’s having a pretty good time hanging out on the beach. The photos of her smiling are probably my favorites from the set but they’re all pretty nice. I’m a big fan of this girl and I’m going to be absolutely heartbroken if her show, “Hart of Dixie” gets cancelled. Crossing my fingers for good news.

April 19, 2013
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Farrah Abraham Is A Lying Skank.

Is my title a little harsh? Maybe but Farrah Abraham has really, really ticked me off. For a long time, I said she wasn’t that bad. No, she wasn’t that bad at all. She was just misunderstood and hey, she was under a lot of pressure. My view of her changed drastically in the light of her sex tape revelations. My problem is not the sex tape. My problem is not even the fact that it was more of a straight up porn flick than a ‘leaked’ sex tape (which just sounds icky, by the way). My problem is that she lied about it. She lied about it a lot and she thought the public – not to mention her fans – would be too stupid to figure it out. Yes, that is my problem with Farrah Abraham. Now, for those of you that don’t know what I’ve got my panties all in a twist about, I’ll give you the broad strokes. Word got around that there was a Farrah Abraham sex tape and Farrah immediately denied such a tape existed, following that up by admitting there was a tape and threatening to sue anyone that released it – all pretty much par for the course in the world of celebrity sex tapes. All in all, pretty yawn worthy stuff. Then came news that Abraham’s co-star in this ‘sex tape’ was James Deen – one of the most well known male actors in the adult film industry today. Seemed a little, well, suspicious, at least. When asked if he was dating Farrah, James basically confirmed what everyone was already beginning to suspect. This was no sex tape. This was a porn flick. They met, were tested together and then filmed the movie in front of a camera crew. There was nothing private about this. It was porn that was intended to be sold to the highest bidder. I have no problem at all with porn stars. I think porn is awesome but come on, at least have the respect for your fans to be honest about it. Insulting our intelligence is just plain disrespectful and as a result, any remaining respect I had for this woman is gone.

April 12, 2013

Miley Cyrus Bares Her Belly In Miami

I know a lot of people have issues with Miley Cyrus. I was one of those people at one point in time but I’m really liking what Mily has been doing as of late. She seems to be taking more control over her life and that’s so nice to see. I like the hair but more than that, I like the attitude. At the same time, there is a part of me that is concerned for her. There have been so many rumors about possible problems in her personal life. I’d hate to see her take a bad road. She has a lot of potential. While I’m not a big fan of her music and her acting has never really impressed me either, I think with time to grow and develop, she could really become something special. In these photos, snapped at Pharrell Williams birthday party in Miami, Miley looks adorable, of course, but she also looks like she’s making a lot of smart decisions in the music industry. Perhaps she’s taking her career in a new direction. I’d really like to see that.

April 11, 2013

Katie Cassidy Is Way, Way Hotter Than I Thought She Was

Every now and then a new television show hits the airwaves that has me hopelessly addicted from the very first moments of the very first episode. Arrow was just such a show for me. Wednesday is the highlight of my week because it means a brand new episode of my favorite guilty pleasure. Well, most Wednesdays anyway. Is it my imagination or does this show take a ridiculous amount of breaks? Anyway, we’re not here to talk about how awesome Arrow is or how ridiculously frustrating its constant breaks are. We’re here to talk about Katie Cassidy. Katie Cassidy – the most unexpectedly hot actress I’ve ever posted about here. Usually when I get a set of photos of someone, I know what to expect. Meaning, I’m rarely surprised by how how a particular actress is. That was not the case here. I’ve seen a lot of her on Arrow but I didn’t consider her super attractive. I thought she was pretty in a wholesome sort of way but wouldn’t have described her as smoking hot or anything like that. These photos have changed my mind in a very big way. Gorgeous lady. Hey, I’m not to full of myself to admit when I’m wrong and when it comes to Katie Cassidy, I was very, very wrong.

April 5, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence Nearly Falls Out Of Her Top

I know, I know. These photos have been all over the internet and back twice by now but I’ve been having some computer issues that have prevented me from posting. Technology hates me. What can I say? Lateness aside, I can’t help but chuckle when I see these photos of Jennifer on the set of the new David O. Russell movie in Boston because I instantly think back to Seth MacFarlane’s Oscar song about boobs. I have to wonder if she thought the same thing. All that aside, Jennifer looks incredible in these photos, just like she always does. I know it’s not always wise to try to predict the future of young actresses that reach a certain level of fame because a lot of things could go wrong but I don’t think we have to worry about that with Jennifer. She seems like a smart, talented, grounded young woman that has a sense of humor about herself but is still strong and poised. I think this girl is going to be around for a very long time.

April 4, 2013
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Jessica Sutta At The Knockouts Burlesque Show

While these photos are from March, I like to say better late than never, especially when it comes to sharing gorgeous photos of super sexy Jessica Sutta. I love Jessica Sutta and I have since her days with the Pussycat Dolls. I feel like I’ve been waiting for her album forever but there is good news to report. Apparently Sutta Pop, Jessica’s first solo album, will be released sometime this year. I can’t wait to hear it. In these photos, we see Jessica performing at “The Knockouts Burlesque Show” in Florida and I have to say, the lady is looking incredible. Beautiful, talented and totally in charge of her sexuality, Jessica is one of those women I feel should be a household name. Maybe after the album comes out. My fingers are crossed. She deserves nothing but success.

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