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December 5, 2012

Mariah Carey Gets In The Christmas Spirit Early.

I don’t know how I feel about Mariah Carey. She’s such a diva and that sort of thing normally really bothers me but at the same time, I love most of her music and I can’t deny she’s got an incredible voice – perhaps one of the best in the business. I also happen to think she’s an incredibly beautiful woman and I think that shows in these photos from a Christmas Tree Lighting Event in New York. I’m excited to see how she does on “American Idol” as a judge. I haven’t been crazy over Britney Spears’ judging on “The X Factor” so I hope I’ll feel differently about Mariah. Regardless of how she does though, I’m sure she’ll look fantastic which is enough, I’m sure, to get at least a few people tuning in.

November 24, 2012

Joanna Krupa Pretty Much Topless In Beverly Hills.

Now, I know it’s tempting to call this look trashy what with the completely exposed nipples but I think there is a bigger story here than it would appear at first glance. Yes, Joanna Krupa is showing full breast in these photos (taken in Beverly Hills) but I honestly don’t think it was intentional. Call me naive if you will, but here’s what I think happened. While getting dressed, Joanna chose a new shirt she’s never worn in public before. In normal light, it looks perfectly acceptable but it’s a totally different story when the camera flash is involved. A shirt that appears to be a perfectly normal shirt while the cameras are off is suddenly entirely see through when the camera is on. How does this happen? I blame it on wizards but I’ve had it happen to me and not that long ago. Last New Year’s Eve, as a matter of fact. Left the house looking respectable, had to steal my husband’s blazer within an hour of arriving at the party because in the wrong long, I might as well have not been wearing a shirt. I’m going to give Joanna the benefit of the doubt on this one simply because I’ve been there.

November 23, 2012
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Gorgeous Tamara Ecclestone Lingerie Pictures.

Tamara Ecclestone is a babe. She really is. Her body is incredible but her face is just as beautiful. That isn’t always the case with models. I believe some tactless individuals refer to them as butterfaces. I don’t like the term myself but I will admit, with great shame, to thinking it a few times in reference to a few models who shall remain nameless. Tamara is not one of those models. This woman is just stunning and she really knows how to turn it on for the camera. She just seems to have a natural ease about her. Even when she’s posing, the poses don’t look entirely stiff and forced. I love this woman. It’s always great to see new photos of her, especially when she’s clad in lingerie.

November 22, 2012

Rihanna Performs At The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

Man, it takes a gutsy kind of woman to perform at an event like the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in New York and strut the runway alongside the models while you’re wearing little more than them but Rihanna is just the sort of gutsy woman who would do just that. It just so happens she looks fantastic as she does it. Somehow, Rihanna manages to hold her own alongside some of the most beautiful women in the world – probably because she’s a gorgeous woman herself. She has an incredible body, of course, but I think what is most appealing about Rihanna is her confidence. This is a self assured, relaxed woman that doesn’t try to be someone she isn’t to please people. There’s not a whole lot I don’t love about this woman and these pictures? Fantastic.

November 20, 2012

Sexy Rihanna Concert Pics From Toronto.

I posted new photo shoot pictures of Rihanna yesterday and wrote a bit about why I love her so much. This time, I’d like to focus entirely on the photos and, more specifically, why I prefer candid Rihanna pics and Rihanna concert pics to Rihanna studio pics. I always think Rihanna looks gorgeous but I like seeing her look more natural. By more natural, of course, I mean without Photoshop touch ups and all of that. In these photos, taken live in Toronto, Rihanna is looking fantastic. I’m not sure I adore the outfit but I do love her body and the way she works the stage. I would love to see Rihanna live one day. It looks like she puts on a fantastic show.

November 19, 2012
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Kristen Stewart Meets Her Fans At The Breaking Dawn Premiere.

Okay, here’s the deal. I like Kristen Stewart, I liked the Twilight books and I enjoyed the first Twilight movie. I hated New Moon, thought Eclipse was a serious improvement but never quite got around to watching Breaking Dawn Part 1. Breaking Dawn Part 2 is now in theaters and I really couldn’t care less. I’m sure I’ll watch the movies eventually but I really didn’t think they did the books justice. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about Kristen Stewart. I don’t care about the cheating scandal. I’m not even entirely sure I believe it wasn’t just a push for publicity but I guess that’s beside the point. In all honesty, I just don’t think Kristen is all that attractive and I don’t think she’s the fantastic actress some seem to think she is. I think she has a lot of potential in the acting department. She just needs to explore new types of characters because, as far as I can tell anyway having seen all of her movies, she plays variations of the same type of character over and over again. Looking for new kinds of roles will help her grow and develop and she could, one day, be a real force to be reckoned with. Now, I mentioned I don’t find her attractive but, still being honest, that’s starting to change. I love these photos and I think she looks fantastic in them. I love this side of Kristen. Maybe my overall opinion of her is starting to change not that it matters. She has more than enough fans and is wildly successful. My opinion isn’t really anything she needs to concern herself with.

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