Search Results for “new”

October 7, 2012

This Is What Lady Gaga Wears To Go To Lunch.

There has been a lot of talk in the press lately about Lady Gaga’s weight. While I don’t think it’s fair, I love the way she’s handling it. Instead of getting all upset about her new, curvier body, she’s showing it off. I have to admit though, from the looks of these pictures of her going to lunch at Les Pirates restaurant, it looks like much of the weight she gained has already started coming off. Or maybe it hasn’t, but it doesn’t matter either way. While I’m not loving her choice of outfit for her lunch date, I love her “this is who I am” attitude. I always have. I’m also really loving the hair color here. It looks fantastic on her. And finally, I have to mention those shoes. I adore them. I adore them in ways I can’t even explain – unhealthy, obsessive ways that lead me to believe I will dream of these shoes tonight. Christmas is coming. These would make a fantastic gift for yours truly.

October 6, 2012
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Kelly Brook Is My Dream Girl.

Okay, I have a lot of dream girls but Kelly is definitely one of them. She’s sexy, curvy and so incredibly beautiful. I know some will argue she’s not as thin as she used to be but I like that. I do like skinny models but I like curvy ones as well. I’m not really on the “real women have curves” team because, as far as I’ve been able to tell anyway, all a woman needs to be considered a “real woman” is a vagina, but hey – what do I know? Maybe my skinny body means I’m not actually a woman after all. Won’t my husband be upset with that. Anyway, beside the point. I am a firm believer that beauty really does come in all sizes and I think Kelly is a great example of that. She looked killer thin and she looks killer with a little more meat on her bones. Love this lady – always a pleasure to get new pictures of her to write about.

October 4, 2012

Abigail Clancy Makes My Eyes Melt.

I like to say there’s no such thing as too hot when it comes to beautiful women in the underwear but as I look at these photos of Abigail Clancy, I really can’t help but wonder if I’m wrong about that. Abigail is always hot but these photos are just at a whole new level. That first picture just about killed me. There’s something about the pose and the sexy “come hither” gaze just off to the side of the camera. The rest of the photos are great as well but that first one is just something else. Stunning photos of a stunning woman.

October 3, 2012

Christina Aguilera Owns Her Curves.

I’m not always a huge fan of how “made up” Christina Aguilera looks most of the time but I also recognize that’s the look she wants and I have to give her credit for going with it. This is a woman who knows who she is and what she wants and I respect that endlessly. I’m not a huge fan of her new single but like to many of her other singles, it’s really starting to grow on me. I’m excited for her new work. I’m going to miss her next season on “The Voice” (if I decide to tune in) because I think the show really needs her personality but I have high hopes for Shakira and apparently, “The Voice” is willing to let Christina come back down the road when her schedule is a little less hectic. I look forward to that.

October 2, 2012
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Joanna Krupa Posing In A Car.

I love Joanna Krupa. She’s talented and she’s very pretty but what’s the deal with all the car photos lately? Is she doing a car calendar? Does she have some sort of endorsement deal with a car company? I have a confession. I’m 30 and I’m just learning to drive. I will never own a car like the one Joanna is posing with her, but boy would I like to. Even better if I can get Joanna to ride around in it with me although, again, new to the whole driving thing. Perhaps it’s best to not have gorgeous women in the car with me. It’s hard enough for me to focus on where I’m going as it is.

October 2, 2012

Kim Kardashian Takes In A Drag Boat Race.

By now, most of our regular readers know how I feel about Kim Kardashian. If you’re new ’round these parts, I’ll sum it up quickly for you. I’m pretty conflicted on Kim. As a media personality, she bugs me. Most ‘famous for being famous’ people do. At the same time, I love her style and think she’s gorgeous. See? Conflicted. These pictures are no exception. Here at a Drag Boat Race in Miami, Kim looks gorgeous. I always love seeing Kim looking a little more casual. I just wonder sometimes if everything she does is for the benefit of the cameras that follow her everywhere she goes. Is she just in the habit of striking sexy poses in her day to day life? Does she do that when no cameras are around? Life’s great mysteries. Whatever. She looks sexy here and in the end, that’s really all anyone cares about when it comes to Kim K, so I’d say these pictures are a success.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }