Search Results for “new”

July 9, 2012
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Blake Lively Pregnant?

So here we have some shots of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds enjoying some quality time at a party in New York. No big deal, right? Well, take a closer look at the pictures. According to the more gossip minded folks out there, these photos are proof that Blake Lively is pregnant. I’m not so sure I buy that. There are a few photos in which it looks like she may possibly be sporting a baby bump but in all honesty, I think the real culprit here is a somewhat unflattering but very comfortable looking swim suit. If she is pregnant though, congratulation to Blake and Ryan but I’m going to hold off on believing the rumors until there is confirmation from Ryan or Blake.

July 5, 2012

Melissa Satta And Kevin Prince Boateng Get Sexy On A Boat.

Melissa Satta is a babe. That’s pretty obvious. That ass of hers is amazing. Kevin Prince Boateng is a lucky, lucky man. I like these photos for many reasons. I obviously enjoy the fact that Melissa I get to look at Melissa in a bikini but beyond that Kevin is not too hard on the eyes either. I love a man with tattoos so Kevin is obviously appealing. More than both of those factors though, I like the fact that these two look so happy together. Of course looks can be deceiving but they seem to be having a nice day together. With so many celebrity break ups in the news these days, it’s nice to see a couple that seems to be in a good place in their relationship.

July 3, 2012
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Erin Andrews Enjoys A Little Time In The Sun

It’s hard to see Erin Andrews without thinking about the massive “peeping tom” scandal that brought her to the attention of the general public. While she had some level of fame before someone filmed her walking around naked in her hotel room without her knowledge, that invasion of privacy really put her name on the map to those who aren’t big sports buffs (like myself, for example). Even so, in the years that have followed, Erin has really tried hard to distance herself from that scandal while still staying relevant. I think she’s done a great job. Here in Miami, she doesn’t seem terribly worried that one chapter of her career is ending, probably because she knows it just means a new chapter is just beginning.

July 3, 2012
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Paris Hilton Is A DJ Now … Or Something.

Oh Paris Hilton – always searching for new ways to keep her name in the headlines. This time, she’s decided to be a DJ. I can’t really say much about it. I am one of the few people that actually liked Paris’ foray into the music business. She has been to enough parties to know what the average party goer likes so maybe this is actually something she’ll be good at. Maybe not. Here at the Pop Music Festival in Sao Paulo, Paris takes her place on stage and does her best to keep the crowd entertained. Did it work? No idea, but she looks cute. That has to count for something. I like Paris. She might be a self centered brat who has never had to work a day in her life but she owns that. She is who she is. I guess in some weird kind of way, I respect that. It can’t be easy being as hated as Paris is in many social circles but she doesn’t let it get her down. Kudos to her and I wish her nothing but good things with her new career.

June 29, 2012
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Katy Perry Wears Fake Film Reels On Her Boobs

I have a general rule of thumb. If you can ignore something, choose not to buy it, choose not to watch it or choose to change the channel, you shouldn’t waste your breath complaining about it. I love Katy Perry. I share this rule because I had an argument with a friend the other night over whether or not this new Katy Perry movie is a sign the end of the world really is coming. My opinion? Of course it doesn’t and getting so bent out of shape about something as silly as a pop star’s movie seems a little ridiculous. I think the movie looks terrible but I’ll watch anyway because I like Katy. If you don’t like Katy, don’t watch. Seems pretty simple to me. Here at the “Katy Perry Part of Me” Premiere in Hollywood, Katy is her usual adorable self and she looks like she’s having a great time. I look forward to seeing her first movie even if I’m not expecting a whole lot.

June 26, 2012
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Rihanna Hits The Stage So You Know She’s Wearing Something Crazy.

I really do like Rihanna. I like her music. I like her personality and I love her style. It takes a special kind of woman to rock an outfit like the one Rihanna is wearing in these photos from BBC Radio 1 Hackney Weekend in London. I don’t care about what the critics say. I think she looks great. The thing I admire most about Rihanna is her ability to keep her style feeling fresh and new. I also really appreciate the fact that she doesn’t always have to wear elaborate costumes on stage. I could imagine seeing her in candid shots wearing an outfit similar to this one without her even batting an eyelash. She’s just that kind of girl. Love her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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