Search Results for “pus”

April 4, 2013
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Jessica Sutta At The Knockouts Burlesque Show

While these photos are from March, I like to say better late than never, especially when it comes to sharing gorgeous photos of super sexy Jessica Sutta. I love Jessica Sutta and I have since her days with the Pussycat Dolls. I feel like I’ve been waiting for her album forever but there is good news to report. Apparently Sutta Pop, Jessica’s first solo album, will be released sometime this year. I can’t wait to hear it. In these photos, we see Jessica performing at “The Knockouts Burlesque Show” in Florida and I have to say, the lady is looking incredible. Beautiful, talented and totally in charge of her sexuality, Jessica is one of those women I feel should be a household name. Maybe after the album comes out. My fingers are crossed. She deserves nothing but success.

November 23, 2012
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Courtney Stodden Is Thankful For Attention.

I really don’t want to hate on these photos because I respect PETA and everything they stand for (although I think they go a little too far sometimes and that takes away from their message) but by allowing ‘Teen Bride’ Courtney Stodden to pose half naked for them does more damage than good, as far as I’m concerned. It just doesn’t seem like PETA has any standards anymore. I don’t believe Courtney has the moral convictions that PETA represents. As an organization, PETA can occasionally come across as a little too pushy but at least the intentions are usually good. It feels like Courtney saw this as just another chance to get her name and face in the headlines and that bothers me. I could be wrong entirely. Maybe Courtney is a passionate supporter of animal rights and really believes in what PETA stands for but until now, the only thing Courtney has shown any passion for is being famous.

November 19, 2012
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Kristen Stewart Meets Her Fans At The Breaking Dawn Premiere.

Okay, here’s the deal. I like Kristen Stewart, I liked the Twilight books and I enjoyed the first Twilight movie. I hated New Moon, thought Eclipse was a serious improvement but never quite got around to watching Breaking Dawn Part 1. Breaking Dawn Part 2 is now in theaters and I really couldn’t care less. I’m sure I’ll watch the movies eventually but I really didn’t think they did the books justice. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about Kristen Stewart. I don’t care about the cheating scandal. I’m not even entirely sure I believe it wasn’t just a push for publicity but I guess that’s beside the point. In all honesty, I just don’t think Kristen is all that attractive and I don’t think she’s the fantastic actress some seem to think she is. I think she has a lot of potential in the acting department. She just needs to explore new types of characters because, as far as I can tell anyway having seen all of her movies, she plays variations of the same type of character over and over again. Looking for new kinds of roles will help her grow and develop and she could, one day, be a real force to be reckoned with. Now, I mentioned I don’t find her attractive but, still being honest, that’s starting to change. I love these photos and I think she looks fantastic in them. I love this side of Kristen. Maybe my overall opinion of her is starting to change not that it matters. She has more than enough fans and is wildly successful. My opinion isn’t really anything she needs to concern herself with.

August 29, 2012

Another New Photo Shoot Of Gorgeous Kelly Brook

Kelly Brook is one of my favorite women in the entertainment industry today just because I love the self confidence she just seems to radiate. She’s a gorgeous woman, of course, but there are a lot of beautiful women in the entertainment industry. What does it for me with Kelly is the fact that she seems so comfortable with herself. Some people have rather unkind things to say about Kelly from time to time but she doesn’t seem to let it get to her. She just lets her natural self shine through and that’s a big part of what I think makes a woman sexy. I like these photos of Kelly because they really show how comfortable she is in front of the camera. She doesn’t seem to be pushing herself to portray a certain image. She’s just being Kelly and I find that just ridiculously appealing.

July 27, 2012

Gwen Stefani Doesn’t Age.

I remember when No Doubt first hit it big. I was obsessed – and I mean obsessed – with Gwen Stefani. The strange thing is, it’s been years – maybe even a decade – and I’m still just as obsessed. She’s freaking stunning but in such a very unique kind of way. There just isn’t another woman in the entertainment industry that has her style. She pushes the boundaries but never too far. She dances that fine line between just the right amount of flair and completely over the top. The fact that this woman still looks the same as she did when I was a teenager makes me feel both old and encouraged. Maybe I can dip into the fountain of youth too. Doubt it, but the hope is there. In these photos from the Teen Choice Awards at Gibson Amphitheatre, Gwen mixes up the new, more mature style we’ve seen from her since No Doubt went on hiatus with the fun, punky retro Gwen style from when No Doubt was first breaking out. I love this woman. Can’t say enough nice things about her.

May 3, 2012

Hot And Sexy Helen Flanagan Shows Off Her Body In London

I sometimes have a hard time deciding how I feel about Helen Flanagan. She’s a beautiful, talented and driven woman and I respect that. I suppose I just have a hard time coming to terms with her sometimes boundary pushing fashion choices. Here outside the Funky Buddha Nightclub in London, Helen shows off her incredible body in yet another form fitting, show-off-everything dress but I have to admit I like these photos. Her dress is revealing but it isn’t quite as racy as some of the dresses she’s worn in the past. It leaves at least a little something to the imagination. What I like most about these pictures, however, is the fact that Helen seems to be having the time of her life with her friends and i find that refreshing. This woman has a beautiful smile, even if the dress does distract from that just a little bit.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }