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February 24, 2013
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Rihanna And Chris Brown Vacation In Hawaii

Blah, blah, blah, Rihanna, blah, Chris Brown, blah outrage!! I’m sorry, but I’m so over all of this drama. Rihanna is a grown woman. She’s a grown woman who has legions of young fans but it is wrong to ask her to make her personal choices based on what message those choices sends to her fans. It isn’t Rihanna’s job to set a positive example for your children. That’s your job. Sorry to be blunt but it’s true. Your kids should not be getting their moral cues from celebrities. With all that said, I’m worried about Rihanna and her decision to get back with Chris. I’m worried about her safety and I’m especially worried that one day, we’re going to hear a tragic story about how all this ended but Rihanna doesn’t have to answer to me. She doesn’t have to answer to her fans either. Her fans should like her for her music and not what she does or doesn’t do in her personal life. I firmly believe Rihanna is a strong, confident woman who wouldn’t make a decision she doesn’t feel is right for her. Maybe Chris has changed. Maybe he will treat her with respect. Maybe he’ll never raise a hand to her again. I’m hoping for the best for these two. All of that aside, I have to admit that Rihanna is looking exceptionally hot in these photos from Hawaii and yes, she looks happy. Maybe that’s all that matters in the end.

January 17, 2013
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Rihanna Always Looks Gorgeous.

Oh Rihanna – always such a total babe. I don’t think words can express how much I adore this girl. She’s just simply stunning – gorgeous in every way. These photos are just more proof of that. Sometimes when you see photos like these ones, there are a few that are a little less than flattering. The celebrity makes a weird face or is caught mid blink. Not with Rihanna – there isn’t a bad photo here. I love the outfit she’s wearing. I love her trademark bold red lipstick. I love her hair. This woman is definitely one of my favorites and I know photos of her are always going to be fantastic. As always, it’s a pleasure to write about her.

December 30, 2012

Rihanna And Chris Brown Take In A Basketball Game.

I don’t even know what to say about these pictures. I really don’t. Rihanna looks as gorgeous as ever and she looks like she’s having a great time but the Chris Brown of it all makes me feel a little weird. I think it’s admirable that Rihanna could find it in her heart to forgive Chris for what he did. Forgiveness is something few people can truly give and I think it’s takes great strength of character. Forgiving is not the same as forgetting though and it’s not the same as putting yourself back in a potentially dangerous situation. At the same time, it’s really none of my business. Rihanna is a grown woman. She’s also a strong, confident woman. This is her decision. She shouldn’t be thinking about the message she’s sending to her young fans because no one should ever live their life for someone else. At the New York Knicks vs. Los Angeles Lakers in Los Angeles, Rihanna looks happy and that is good to see. I still worry this story will have a tragic ending but as someone who has been in Rihanna’s shoes (without the world watching of course), I know how hard it can be to walk away from someone you really believe you love regardless of what they do. I eventually decided I couldn’t allow myself to stay in the situation and walked away. With that said, I do believe people can change and maybe Chris has. Most of what he says and does makes me think otherwise but I’m sure Rihanna sees a side of Chris none of us do – maybe that side is the real Chris. No one knows except Chris himself – not even Rihanna. As much as we like to think we can, there is no way to ever really know what someone else is thinking. We can only do what we feel is best for ourselves. That’s what Rihanna is doing. I just hope she’s making the right choice.

December 6, 2012

Rihanna Gets Fun And Flirty In Sexy Photo Shoot.

It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve publicly declared my love for Rihanna so I’m glad these photos came along. I wouldn’t want anyone forgetting that I absolutely adore this woman. I have to admit that I’m a little bit worried about her though. I’m not sure I’m in love with the idea of whatever is happening between Rihanna and Chris Brown. In the end, it’s her choice to make and I support her completely. If they’re back together, as it certainly seems they are, then she has her reasons and maybe he really has changed. His public temper tantrums and general behavior make me think otherwise but I don’t know him. It’s hard to go by what the press says as they like to spin things in whatever way will sell more newspapers and generate more clicks on their website. Regardless, we can’t look down on Rihanna for choose to let Chris back in her life. It is her life to live, not ours. Is she sending a bad message to her fans? That doesn’t matter. Kids shouldn’t be looking up to pop stars and celebrities as role models. You want your children to make smart decisions? Teach them to make smart decisions. Rihanna isn’t raising your children. You are. Even so, I do worry about this girl. I hope everything turns out well for her.

November 22, 2012

Rihanna Performs At The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

Man, it takes a gutsy kind of woman to perform at an event like the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in New York and strut the runway alongside the models while you’re wearing little more than them but Rihanna is just the sort of gutsy woman who would do just that. It just so happens she looks fantastic as she does it. Somehow, Rihanna manages to hold her own alongside some of the most beautiful women in the world – probably because she’s a gorgeous woman herself. She has an incredible body, of course, but I think what is most appealing about Rihanna is her confidence. This is a self assured, relaxed woman that doesn’t try to be someone she isn’t to please people. There’s not a whole lot I don’t love about this woman and these pictures? Fantastic.

November 20, 2012

Sexy Rihanna Concert Pics From Toronto.

I posted new photo shoot pictures of Rihanna yesterday and wrote a bit about why I love her so much. This time, I’d like to focus entirely on the photos and, more specifically, why I prefer candid Rihanna pics and Rihanna concert pics to Rihanna studio pics. I always think Rihanna looks gorgeous but I like seeing her look more natural. By more natural, of course, I mean without Photoshop touch ups and all of that. In these photos, taken live in Toronto, Rihanna is looking fantastic. I’m not sure I adore the outfit but I do love her body and the way she works the stage. I would love to see Rihanna live one day. It looks like she puts on a fantastic show.

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