Search Results for “selena gome”

August 19, 2012

Selena Gomez Wants To Avoid Tan Lines.

Selena Gomez is a beautiful young woman who really seems to know who she is and what she wants out of her career. I think that’s admirable for someone so young. She seems to have the whole fame thing under control which is important for a young woman in the spotlight. Such overwhelming attention at such a young age can definitely lead to problems and I think Selena is doing a fairly good job of avoiding that. In these photos, Selena is looking like her usual lovely self. I’m sure a lot of people are going to have a thing or two to say about that first photo, but she seems pretty cautious when it comes to showing so much and really, there are few better ways to avoid tan lines. What an adorable girl. I can’t wait to see what her future holds. Hopefully nothing but great things.

June 4, 2012

Selena Gomez Is Happy. Her Dress Tells Me So.

The problem with being a Disney star or a Nickelodeon star is pretty obvious. Your fans don’t want you to grow up. They want you to stay the same. What people don’t realize is that just doesn’t happen. People grow and mature. They change. If stars like Selena Gomez want long lasting careers they have to figure out how to make the transition into more mature projects as seamlessly as possible. The problem with that? Once you’re pegged with the “teen star” label, more mature audiences aren’t always willing to accept you. Now, with all that said, I don’t think that’s going to be a huge problem for Selena Gomez and these photos from Malibu are a great example of why. She doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to grow up too fast. She still has the playful, youthful vibe even though she’s beginning to grow into a more mature young lady. She isn’t going the Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus route and trying to be an ultra sexy bombshell to attract older audiences. I think Selena has a decent chance of having a long career as long as she keeps making smart choices.

April 2, 2012

More Sexy Pictures Of Selena Gomez And Vanessa Hudgens

Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson are clearly a big part of the upcoming flick “Spring Breakers” and from the pictures I’ve seen thus far, it looks like they’re going to be spending a good portion of the movie clad in nothing but a bikini. I saw a photo of James Franco on the set the other day all dressed up for his role. He looked more like Kevin Federline than James Franco and I don’t know. That kind of makes me even more excited for the movie. Clearly wearing little clothing isn’t just for the girls in this one and I like that for a change. This newest set of pictures were taken as Selena, Vanessa and Ashley were leaving the set after they finished work for the morning. Perhaps they just hit the beach right after shooting. What a great job. Beats the heck out of mine, that’s for sure.

March 18, 2012

More Wild Pictures Of Selena Gomez From Spring Breakers

I wrote another post about Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens on the set of “Spring Breakers” in Florida earlier but I’m not sure what order these posts are going to get published in. If you haven’t see it yet, keep an eye out for the other post over the next few days. They involve pretty girls, bikinis and honestly, my favorite part – a scooter. I have always wanted a scooter. I don’t have a license, but I would get one for a scooter. Who’s feeling generous? Kidding, of course. Mostly. Anyway, on to these pictures. I like this set just a little bit more as they also include lovely Ashley Benson and also lovely Rachel Korine. I’ll confess. I have no idea who Rachel is and I’m not sure which one she is in these photos (the one that isn’t Selena, Vanessa or Ashley I suppose) but it’s safe to assume she’s also lovely. I’m starting to feel like I have a pretty good idea of what this movie is going to look like and I’m not hating it. I”m interested to know when James Franco comes into play though. Will he be clad in next to nothing to? That would guarantee my attendance at the theater – possibly more than once. I love Mr. Franco. I miss him on Twitter.

March 17, 2012

Selena Gomez And Vanessa Hudgens Are Hot Spring Breakers

I love Selena Gomez and I love Vanessa Hudgens. These pictures from the set of “Spring Breakers” have me even more excited for the movie than I already was. I think it’s going to be a good one but I have to be honest, I already had my mind made up about this movie the moment I heard James Franco was involved. I love that man in ways that can’t be described with mere words. Although it’s entirely possible this movie will be terrible, I think it’s going to be a lot better than a lot of people think it will be. Again, the honest thing – I’ve never seen a Selena Gomez movie I’ve enjoyed. I kind of liked “Beastly” and enjoyed “Sucker Punch” (both feature Vanessa) more than I thought I would. I think this could be the movie that changes that record for both of these girls for me though. Are my hopes to high? I guess we’ll see when “Spring Breakers” hits theaters.

February 24, 2012

Selena Gomez Upskirt Shots

Sometimes writing about celebrity pictures makes me feel a little bit sleazy considering some of the things I have to write about. Today is one of those days. It’s sometimes my job to write about the things the majority of the people who come to this site want to see and that means writing about Selena Gomez upskirt shots from time to time. To be honest, these ones really aren’t all that bad. She’s just a girl hanging out on the beach and at the angle she’s standing, that meant an upskirt shot or two when she bent over. I’ve seen worse. I like Selena a lot. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders and seems to be able to avoid a lot of the common problems young stars in her position encounter. If upskirt shots like these ones are the most scandalous thing I have to write about with Selena then I’m cool with that.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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