Search Results for “tori”

February 23, 2012

Behind The Scenes Shots Of Candice Swanepoel’s Behind

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this recently but of all the Victoria’s Secret Angels, Candice Swanepoel is definitely one of my favorites. While she’s a bit skinnier than I typically like, she doesn’t look unhealthy and that’s really all that matters in my opinion. She just looks like a girl who stays in shape and is naturally a slim girl. It isn’t her body I’m attracted to though – at least that’s not all I’m attracted to. Candice has a beautiful face and a gorgeous smile and that’s really what draws me in so while I naturally enjoy these pictures, I would’ve liked to see more pictures that show her face. All the same, I always enjoy seeing behind the scenes pictures of Victoria’s Secret shoots so these were a nice treat, even if I wasn’t a fan of how many shots only showed Candice with her back turned. Still though, it’s a lovely back so I can’t complain a whole lot.

February 20, 2012

Behind The Scenes Pics Of Doutzen Kroes Photo Shoot

I don’t like Michael Bay. I have no idea why. Just a thing I have about him, I guess. When I heard he would be shooting one of my favorite Victoria’s Secret models for a new VS photo shoot, I was a little unsure of how I felt. I love Doutzen Kroes. She’s beautiful and always seems to look so natural in her photos. Even so, the whole Michael Bay thing kind of made me hesitate. If these photos from the set of that Victoria’s Secret spread (taken in Miami, Florida) are any indication though, I’m definitely not hesitating any longer. Besides, maybe I’m being a bit too harsh on old Michael Bay. He can’t be as bad as I imagine him to be.

January 25, 2012

Sexy Selena Gomez In Recent Performance Pics

In my always humble opinion, Selena Gomez really got it right. While a teen face base is great and surprisingly loyal, they also have a notoriously short attention span. Selena (or more likely, her team) recognize that and she’s now moving toward a more mature audience. What she isn’t doing, however, is turning her back on the fans that got her to where she is. Instead of bursting back onto the scene with a super sexual new image that often alienates younger fans, Selena is gradually evolving. Here in Puerto Rico, we see a sexier side of Selena but no a sleazy one. She looks stunning but most importantly, she still looks classy. She’s leaving something to the imagination and to me, that’s far sexier than letting everything hang out. It’s also not compromising her morals or relying on her body and her looks to sell her work. I respect this girl more and more every day.

December 15, 2011
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Recent Performance Pics Of Sexy Rihanna

When I think about the sexiest women in music today, Rihanna is pretty darn close to the top of the list in my books. It isn’t just her body and her face though. It’s her confidence. This is a woman who is sure of herself and has taken control of the image she presents in the media. She wears some pretty outrageous things from time to time but I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I know she flashes a lot of skin but, not to sound like a broken record, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that either. She’s a grown woman and she has a great body. If she wants to flaunt it, that’s her business. Aside from that, she has the honest talent to back up the sexy image – something many other women in the industry can’t claim. Here in Torino, Rihanna takes the stage with a blond bob and little else and she works the stage like a pro. Love this girl.

December 13, 2011

Teen Mom’s Farrah Abraham And Her Man

I don’t like Teen Mom. I don’t like anything about it. I’m not a super conservative person. In fact, I’m about as far from a super conservative person as people can get. I didn’t get the big deal about Janet Jackson’s nipple at the Super Bowl. I don’t think a performer dropping the occasional f-bomb on live TV is anything to get all worked up over. Sex and violence on television isn’t an issue for me. Teen Mom, however, really irks me. When I was a teenager, I knew a lot of teen mothers. My best friend got pregnant when she was fifteen. She was terrified to tell her guardian so I went to her doctor’s appointment with her. I saw the look on her face when the doctor told her she was pregnant. She’d been with the same guy – a guy I had been firsts with since first grade, longer than I knew her, actually – for two years. I was the one she came to when he left her because he said he was too young to be a father. More than all of that, I saw what a mess her life was after she had her baby. I can’t help thinking about that friend everything I see Farrah Abraham or any of her Teen Mom cast mates. They make it look glamorous. You know what’s missing from these pictures? Her freaking child. She’s living the dream now and why? Because she popped out a baby when she was still a baby. There are now stories hitting the news of girls that are fifteen or sixteen years old getting pregnant to get a spot on Teen Mom. Does anyone else see something wrong with that picture?

November 30, 2011

Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Shows Us How Classy She Is

By now, most of you have heard of Courtney Stodden or, as she is more widely known, the ‘Teen Bride’. For those of you who haven’t, here’s the whole disgusting story. Doug Hutchison (“The Green Mile, Lost), 51, married Courtney Stodden, 16, a few months back after Courtney’s mother signed a consent form allowing it to happen. First, I don’t believe for a second that this woman is sixteen. She looks to be at least in her late twenties. I credit that to the layers of makeup she has on her face. When you see pictures of her without all that makeup who looks far younger. Anywho, so naturally, the press ate this story up for the first week or two. Now Doug and Courtney are sort of fading into the background so what better way to get those cameras snapping away again that to slip Courtney into the skimpiest outfit possible for a little ‘holiday shopping’. Where did they choose to do their shopping? Why at known paparazzi hang out, The Grove, of course. As if that’s not enough, Mom decided to tag along as her daughter shopped at Victoria’s Secret. This whole situation is just so insane to me. Then again, who am I to judge. Maybe Doug and Courtney are really and truly in love. I doubt it but I suppose it’s possible. After all, no one thought Demi and Ashton would last and… okay, bad example.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }