Search Results for “work out”

September 4, 2011

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Bar Refaeli On A Boat

Bar Refaeli is a gorgeous woman. There’s no denying it – she’s stunning. What I love about her more than anything, however, is her willingness to slip into a sexy bikini and prance around for all the world to see and really, why shouldn’t she. A body like that doesn’t happen without a lot of hard work so why shouldn’t she be able to show it off. Whenever people talk about Bar they like to talk about her rocky relationship with perpetual bachelor Leonardo DiCaprio but I don’t really think that’s fair. While that relationship really made her a household name, her beauty and natural, easy going style kept her in the spotlight. I love this woman – easily one of my favorite models working in the industry today.

September 4, 2011
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Cameron Diaz Baby Bump?

So I guess I’m a little behind on the movie news as of late because I can’t remember hearing about a movie staring Cameron Diaz in which she plays a pregnant woman. With that said, these pictures from Atlanta have to be for a movie as I seem to recall seeing bikini pictures of Cameron not too long ago and she definitely wasn’t pregnant in those. I dunno, normally I’m not really one of those women that thinks a woman is most beautiful when she’s pregnant but the look kind of works for Cameron. Perhaps her biological clock is ticking. Perhaps not. Cameron doesn’t seem like the settling down into motherhood type to me.

August 31, 2011

New Sexy LeAnn Rimes Bikini Pics

I don’t like LeAnn Rimes. There was a time when that wasn’t true. I’m not a big fan of country music but I liked LeAnn. She had so much talent. Now it seems she’s more famous for her personal life than her music and that’s a shame. No matter how I feel about her however, I can’t deny she really knows how to rock a bikini. LeAnn clearly works hard to stay in shape and keep her body looking fit and toned. While some have argued she’s a bit too skinny (and I agreed for a while), there is a lot of muscle definition; especially in her arms. I think she’s just an athletic girl. Here in Malibu, I have to admit LeAnn is looking good. Good for her.

August 30, 2011

Eliza Doolittle In Shorts In North London

I never know what to say about Eliza Doolittle. I love this girl. She’s absolutely adorable and more importantly, to me anyway, she’s unique. She sort of does here own thing and I appreciate that. Here in North London, she’s hit the town sporting short shorts (hot pants? I don’t know what they’re called) and fishnets. I don’t love the look but for some reason, I like it on her. If you’re familiar with my posts here, you know I’m not a big fan of high waisted shorts/pants/skirts but I can forgive them on Eliza because somehow she makes them work. I don’t really think she’s ‘hot’, at least not in the traditional sense of the term, but is instead adorable and I think that’s what appeals to me the most about her.

August 24, 2011

Ilary Blasi In An Unflattering Bathing Suit

If you’ve been reading my posts for a while, you know I’ve only recently become acquainted with the beautiful creature that is Ilary Blasi. In the short time that I’ve been writing about her, however, I’ve never seen pictures of her that didn’t absolutely melt my butter… until these ones. She still looks unbelievably gorgeous of course but I’m not really sure the bathing suit she chose was really the best idea. It really doesn’t flatter her at all which is a shame as this is probably the only bathing suit in the world she couldn’t make work with a body like hers. All the same, here in Sabaudia, Ilary still looks stunning. I’m just hoping next time we see her, she’s in a fabulous bikini instead of an only okay one piece.

August 22, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Tries Surfing In Malibu

I love Lindsay Lohan. I’ve loved her since “Mean Girls” and I sincerely doubt anything’s going to change that. She has her problems and I honestly believe she’s trying to work them out. Does that make me a sucker? Probably. That’s how I feel though and I’ll always defend her like I would a friend. I guess I figure she needs it. Anyway, here in Malibu, Lindsay tries her hand at surfing and it looks like she’s having a great time. I know some people are going to give her a hard time for how she looks, but compared to how she was looking a few months back, I think she’s looking pretty good. I’m rooting for her comeback. Hope it happens.

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