Search Results for “work out”

January 8, 2011

Kate Gosselin Looks Good In A Bikini I Suppose

Seriously? Are we still talking about Kate Gosselin? There are few ‘celebrities’ I hate more than this baby making machine. I loathe her and everything she stands for. About the only thing I hate more than Kate is her former partner in crime whose name I refuse to mention. I just wish they would both disappear into oblivion, allowing the rest of the world to forget they ever existed. The Gosselins represent for me everything wrong with the world today. They’re greedy, money hungry scum bags willing to sell out their own kids to turn a buck. She popped out eight kids and that makes her famous? That makes her news worthy? The only thing that makes her to me is yet another bored suburban housewife who thinks having more kids to add to the over population and over consumption that is going to destroy the world will make her feel more happy and more fulfilled. Your kids are going to look back on their time on reality TV and hate you. They’ll hate you and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. Now that the kids aren’t enough to keep your name in your headlines you’ll take your clothes off to get the flashbulbs popping. The only thing that makes this whole disaster worse is that its working. Here I am writing about you, Kate Gosselin and that makes me feel so dirty I need to go have a shower. No cameras allowed.

January 6, 2011
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Halle Berry Is A Special Kind Of Star

I recently heard a story about Halle Berry from the set of one of her movies. It involved the infamous “don’t look the star in the eyes, don’t speak to the star” signs common on many Hollywood movie sets. You know, the pretentious, ‘better than you’ signs some celebs demand to make sure they don’t have to speak to the ‘little people’. I prepared myself – ready to have my illusions of Ms. Berry blown out of the water. I was wrong. Instead of demanding the signs, Halle demanded they be removed. She then took the entire cast and crew for dinner to show them she knows she isn’t any better than any of them and wouldn’t be anywhere without the people that work on the movies she’s in. Love that. There is no ego with Halle. More proof? She pumps her own gas. Here at a local gas station in Los Angeles, California, Berry doesn’t have an assistant get out and pump her gas. She does it herself. While that might not seem like a big deal, try to find pictures of other celebs of her caliber doing the same thing. Gonna be hard to do, my friends.

December 15, 2010
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Anna Kournikova In Fishnets

I’m one of those old fashioned kind of women that believed fishnets always make the wearer look trashy. That’s not always a bad thing. Some people can really pull off that trashy look. Anna Kournikova may be one of those women, but I can’t really decide. She looked pretty good at the Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center but there’s something about her outfit that’s bothering me. Perhaps it’s the fact that in order for fishnets to work, you really need to pair them with the right outfit and this outfit just doesn’t qualify. Who really cares though? The overall package looks great and that’s really all that matters.

December 6, 2010
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Kim Kardashian And Her Cleavage

Need I saw more? Reality mega star Kim Kardashian may not have an discernible talent to speak of but here in Beverly Hills she has no problem showing the world why she’s famous. It’s all about the body with this one and really, who’s going to complain about that? Perhaps the hundreds of hard working actresses who struggle their entire lives to get even a hint of the celebrity status Kim K has sex-taped herself in to, but one has to admire what she’s done with that fame. She’s one of the most successful reality stars out there because she doesn’t just want to be famous. She wants to be respected. She might be a little way off from that yet, but maybe in time she’ll get there. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. It is Hollywood after all.

December 2, 2010
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Paris Hilton May Or May Not Be Wearing Pants

Hey everybody look! We can see what we’ve already seen a million times but this time covered (if you can call that covered) by a thin layer of material. Who cares anymore? I demand to know. Is this still shocking? Is this still news? Paris Hilton has an ass and she appears to be quite proud of it. I can’t entirely understand why, though. It’s not really all that spectacular. It’s clear Paris wants to get her name in the headlines again so she’s flashing her rear. And it worked. I’m writing about it right now. And it will continue to work. I just hope she gets over this little habit before she’s old and grey. No one wants to see that. Well, I suppose some people do. There’s a market for everything out there these days.

November 22, 2010
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Bar Refaeli In Bonita De Mas Lingerie

Bar Refaeli is one of my favorite models working in the industry today. I don’t know what it is about her that I find so appealing but I’m sure it has something to do with the fine features on display in this “Bonita de Mas” lingerie photoshoot. She has the ability to look sexy without looking cheap – almost looking glamorous while posing in her underwear. That’s not something many women can pull off. At the same time, she has an almost ‘girl next door’ type of appeal with a wholesome face and innocent yet sexy eyes. She’s one of the new breed of models that doesn’t seem to have drama following them at every turn. That may mean she’s largely ignored by the press (aside from when she’s with her sometimes boyfriend Leo DiCaprio) but that only makes her more appealing. I’m sure there are skeletons in her closet and I’m sure she has her vices, but when a babe is this hot – it’s hard to imagine she wouldn’t.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }