Search Results for “young”

August 8, 2012

Lindsay Lohan In A Sheer Bathing Suit.

People love giving Lindsay Lohan grief. They like picking apart everything she does, looking for any sort of scandal they can find. She has made herself a target and really has no one to blame for her bad reputation but herself but there comes a point that it’s time to let it go. I have always been a Lindsay fan and I’ve always been rooting for her to find her way back to the straight and narrow so perhaps I’m biased when I say I don’t see anything scandalous about these photos. I think she’s more conservatively dressed than many of the women who hang out lounging by the pool but more importantly, she’s looking healthier than she has in a long time. People like to say she looks older than she is and in the past, I’ve agreed. When I look at these photos though, I see a young woman that looks an awful lot like that girl I fell in love with back in the “Mean Girls” days. I want what’s best for Lindsay. I only hope she finally wants what’s best for herself as well.

July 22, 2012
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Madonna Just Doesn’t Look Old To Me.

I know a lot of people say Madonna’s past it and has been for a long time but I don’t see it. Sure she’s had a lot of help staying young but that doesn’t really mean anything to me. I think it’s a woman’s right to choose to age gracefully or to opt to slow the aging process with the help of a surgeon. Madonna has chosen option number two and again, I think that’s just fine. I think she’s looks fantastic. In these photos from her concert in London, Madonna shakes it on stage just as well as any woman half her age and I have to give her serious credit for that. I don’t actually find her physically attractive in the traditional sense but I think her confidence is incredibly sexy.

July 22, 2012

Dianna Agron Is As Gorgeous As Ever.

I loved the first season of “Glee”. The second season? Not so much. The third season was a bit of a mixed bag for me but one thing never changed. I’ve always loved Dianna Agron. I look at Dianna as a shining example of everything young Hollywood could be. She’s classy, low key, talented and driven. She doesn’t seem desperate to hold on to her fame and I find that incredibly appealing. While some of her contemporaries (not just from “Glee” either) are busy getting themselves into phony “for the press” relationships or always seem to be front and center in some new scandal, Dianna just seems normal. She seems to live her life how she wants to live it instead of living her life to get headlines. Here we see Dianna leaving The John Frieda Salon looking like a normal, every day girl. The cameras don’t seem to bother her but she doesn’t seem thrilled to see them either. Instead, she just seems to sort of ignore them and I find that alluring. Of all the women her age in the business today, I’d put my money on Dianna to be the one with the longest career.

July 14, 2012

Olivia Munn Hits The Red Carpet At The ESPY Awards.

So here is Olivia Munn looking like Olivia Munn usually looks – kind of hot but kind of not at the same time. I think she’s pretty enough but I really don’t understand why men are so crazy about her. Perhaps it’s her “I’m a geek too!” persona. She does have a fantastic body, which she’s showing off in her body hugging dress in these photos from the 2012 ESPY Awards in Los Angeles, but I honestly don’t find her face all that attractive. I guess it all comes down to personal preference. I do like her personality on occasion but even that can be a bit irritating in large doses. I guess I’m just not really sure how I feel about her overall. I’m sure it doesn’t matter to her in the least though. She seems like a very confident, self-assured young woman which is one of the things I do find incredibly appealing about her. It’s just the rest of the package I’m not so sure about.

June 27, 2012
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Jennifer Lawrence To The Rescue!

Well maybe she really didn’t rescue anyone but she definitely helped a young girl that collapsed on her lawn. Apparently Jennifer was getting ready to take her dog for a walk when she noticed a young girl lying unconscious on her lawn. She called 911 and sat with the girl until help arrived. From what I understand, the girl was fine in the end, possibly thanks to Jennifer’s quick response. Now that we’ve talked about that whole thing, let’s take a moment to discuss how Jennifer looks in these photos. I’d have to say she looks pretty darn good. I didn’t really care for “The Hunger Games” (I know, I know) but I really enjoy Jennifer. I think she’s a beautiful, talented young actress that has a bright future ahead of her. I can’t wait to see where it takes her.

June 11, 2012
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Kirsten Dunst Looking Adorable At The Beach

I’ve been a huge Kirsten Dunst fan since “Interview with the Vampire” and while she’s gone through some things, I’ve always respected her as a person and as an actress. She did the right thing. Instead of waiting to get arrested or waiting to have some sort of public meltdown, Kirsten went to rehab to get help and now all these years later, she looks healthy, happy and absolutely adorable. I know we feature a lot of bikini clad women around here and that is great and all, but I absolutely love seeing a young, beautiful woman rocking a one piece every now and again. It’s a refreshing change and Kirsten couldn’t have chosen a cuter swimsuit. I love these pictures and I love seeing Kirsten looking so happy.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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