Search Results for “Bar”

June 4, 2012
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Bar Refaeli Lives In Swimwear

It’s certainly comforting to be a swimwear model. Apart from showing off ones curvy figures, you’re guaranteed the best in the world of swimwear. Bar Refaeli isn’t complaining, and neither are viewers. From one photo shoot to another, she’s certainly going places, an sets the place on fire. There’s probably nothing that she can’t sell but obviously she’s doing rather well at the Rampage Swimwear photoshoot. And there’s advantages of that body cause the government too notices what you do, and you certainly keep Leonardo interested for long spells of time. We wonder what’s next with this beauty.

May 20, 2012

Elisabetta Canalis And Sacha Baron Cohen: Masters Of Publicity Stunts

Elisabetta Canalis and Sacha Baron Cohen know how to get people talking. Canalis spent quite some time getting tongues wagging about her romantic life, first with George Clooney and then with Steve-O which Cohen gets tongues wagging, well, every time he steps into character. Even so, I was a little surprised to see Canalis and Cohen teaming up for this stunt. It seemed a little uninspired for Cohen. Apparently Cohen and Canalis flirted and frolicked on the deck of his yacht on the way to the Cannes Film Festival, only to get in a lover’s quarrel. Cohen ended it by dragging Canalis below deck where I suppose we’re to believe he killed her. A short time later, one of his bodyguard threw what appeared to be a body bag over the side. Dark? Sure. Got people talking? Yes. Mission accomplished I suppose although, really, has anyone seen Canalis since …

May 4, 2012

Hot Bikini Pics Of Sexy Candice Swanepoel In St. Barts

Oh Candice Swanepoel. How I do love thee. What a stunning woman. Sometimes when I see photos of her, I have a hard time remembering that I have a job to do. I find myself wanting to sit and stare at the pictures instead of typing the post to accompany them. She’s a distraction but a beautiful one so it’s okay. Here in St. Barts, Candice shows off her beautiful body is a series of bikinis for what I assume is a new Victoria’s Secret shoot and I can’t find a single thing to complain about. She has such a lovely smile. That’s really what gets me about her. When she smiles, it’s like she’s smiling from the heart. I love this lady and I love these photos.

May 4, 2012

Stephanie Davis Bares Her Ass In London

This is normally the part where I’d make some sort of joke about London, France and underpants but Stephanie Davis seems to left hers at home, at least judging from these photos from the British Soap Awards After Party in London. I honestly don’t even know what to say about these photos. I am making a concentrated effort to be nicer in some of these posts but boy it’s hard to be nice about this one. These just scream bad taste on all fronts. I get that wardrobe malfunctions happen but this one was so obviously avoidable. I can’t imagine it was an accident. I have to put some of the blame on the photographers though. While I understand it’s their job to photograph celebrities and while I get they probably make more money off photos like these – and I even understand they probably have families to feed – it still feels so sketchy to me. And then here I am writing about the photos so there’s that. At least she looks cute in the photos where her ass isn’t completely hanging out.

April 30, 2012

Sexy Mischa Barton Filming A Video In LA

Despite all their drama, I’ve always been a big Oasis fan. I was a little worried when Noel Gallagher went solo because I wasn’t sure what kind of material he’d produce without the rest of the band, but I had nothing to worry about. It’s great stuff and I’m glad to see he’s still moving forward, especially considering he enlisted the talents of Mischa Barton for his new music video. These pics, taken in LA, show Mischa stripping down to her underwear for the video shoot and I approve. I can’t wait to see the finished product. I’m a big fan of Miss. Barton and from the looks of it, she’s going to be great in this video.

April 25, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Bares Her Belly While Walking Her Dog

It seems like it’s been a while now since the world has gotten a good Miley Cyrus scandal and I’m pretty happy about that. I think a lot of the scandals she’s been involved in have been way over played. The whole weed thing? Who cares. There are a lot of people her age that like to indulge in the stuff from time to time and if that’s the worst thing she’s doing, I’m fine with it. I don’t buy into the “weed is a gateway drug” hype. I know a lot of people who have smoked pot for years yet have never moved on to harder stuff. It’s all about the decisions you make. I personally don’t like weed. I don’t like the smell, I don’t like the taste and I don’t like the way it makes me feel, but if Miley wants to take a puff off a joint or take a hit from a bong, that’s her business. As for these photos, I gotta say I’m a fan. I’ve always been a fan of Miley’s candid pictures because they give us the chance to see a bit of who Miley really is. I’d also like to state for the record that I don’t believe for a minute that Miley is anorexic. Maybe she’s lost weight, but we’ve also seen pictures of her going into Pilates classes. Stands to reason that she might slim down with the whole working out thing. I think she looks healthy in these pictures. She might look a little slimmer than she used to be but not in an unhealthy way. Also, her dog is freaking adorable. Love these photos and wish Miley nothing but the best.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }