Search Results for “Jennifer”

November 23, 2011

Jennifer Lopez Sexes It Up At The AMAs

Yes! This is how you work it on stage at the American Music Awards. Jennifer Lopez may only have recently made her return to the spotlight but it’s like the woman was born to be there. I always thought she was a mega-diva of the highest order but having seen her on “American Idol” I think I have a better idea of who she really is. She’s a strong, driven and confident woman who projects the image she needs to project to make people respect her. I know I do. She’s one of the most fierce woman in the industry today and it’s nice to see her working her way back to the top where she belongs.

November 13, 2011

Sexy Jennifer Lopez Upskirt Shot

It really doesn’t matter how much time passes. Jennifer Lopez was one of the sexiest women in the business when she first hit the scene and she remains one of the sexiest women in the business to this day. Jennifer’s backside was teh hottest thing in Hollywood long before big butts were considered a good thing for a mainstream artist. I had a problem with Jennifer for many years because she gave off a diva sort of vibe but after watching her on “American Idol” I started to see her more clearly. She is who she needs to be to survive in a very tough industry. In these pictures from Argentina, we not only get a closer look at that famous backside but we also get to see Jennifer being who she is – a confident and classy babe who knows exactly what to wear to show off her body without looking trash. I love this woman.

October 27, 2011

Sexy HQ Bikini Pics Of Jennifer Hawkins

There is just something about Australians I find sexy. Maybe it’s the accent. It isn’t hard to tell what I find sexy about beautiful Australian Jennifer Hawkins though. It’s the body. It’s the face. It’s the flowing blond hair. She’s just an all around babe. She she just seems to have that kind of laid back, relaxed attitude I find so alluring. There’s something almost wholesome about her but she also gives the impression that she’s the kind of girl that can take care of herself. I really can’t say enough good things about this girl. She’s very nearly perfect but she doesn’t seem to be all hung up on herself. I love that and I love her.

September 27, 2011

Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Sexy In Studio City

I know I’ve sometimes been hard on Jennifer Love Hewitt but it’s only because I love her so very much. I have been a J-love fan since I was but a teenager and I have been a fan ever since. She’s adorable in a super sexy sort of way. That’s not something you see very often. She’s funny and somehow wholesome while still being a total babe. She might not always bring her A-game when it comes to fashion, but here in Studio City she definitely did. Love the dress, love the shoes, love the body and love the girl. I hope to see even more photo sets of J-love like this one. I love being granted the opportunity to shower this beautiful woman with praise.

September 27, 2011
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Hot Booty Shot Of Jennifer Lopez On Stage

Every time I write about Jennifer Lopez, I feel the need to mention my opinion of her changed completely after watching her as a judge on “American Idol”. Before I thought she was the diva to end all divas and that colored my opinion of her as a performer. After Idol, I started seeing her as less of a diva and more as a misunderstood woman whose strength and confidence comes off as something else in the press. I am still not the biggest fan of her music but I’ll admit, I’ve shaken my ass to “On the Floor” in my living room a few times. I actually really like that one – aside from the “get sick on the floor” line. Someone really should’ve thought about the visual that one gives. Anywho, here is a hot booty shot of Jennifer Lopez at the iHeartRadio Music Festival. Pretty sexy stuff. I have “On the Floor” stuck in my head now though and that’s kind of annoying.

June 15, 2011
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HQ Performance Pics Of Jennifer Lopez

I know I’ve spoken of my change of heart on the subject of Jennifer Lopez before, but I would like to revisit the subject in honor of these pictures. I’d always heard Jennifer Lopez was a diva and I’d always assumed it was true because the woman is so fierce on stage. Normally when you hear about a strong, confident woman, you also hear about their diva antics. After watching her on ‘American Idol’ though it became pretty clear that motherhood had softened the once fiery female. I wondered what that meant for her music career. Looking at these pictures from the Summertime Ball at Capital Radio’s London, I have decided it doesn’t mean anything for her career. She still owns the stage. She still rocks the crowd. She’s still that fierce diva, but she’s a fierce diva with a soft side and I love her even more for it.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }