Search Results for “Shopp”

November 5, 2012

Jessica Cirio Looks Stunning In Miami.

I don’t know why I’m ever surprised by pictures of gorgeous lingerie models looking like gorgeous lingerie models but somehow I often am. I know Jessica Cirio is a beautiful woman. I know part of her job is looking great in lingerie. Still, I was a little surprised by how attractive I find her in these bikini pics from Miami. I guess there’s a part of me that just assumes most lingerie models are Photoshopped and airbrushed beyond belief so seeing that they look just as good without a helping hand from technology catches me off guard. Jessica is a great example of that. Her body is just incredible. I don’t think it would be possible for me to like these photos more.

August 23, 2012
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Lindsay Lohan And Her Brother Cody In Malibu

So if you read TMZ, you probably already know that Lindsay Lohan has been getting back into old habits. No, I’m not talking about the alleged jewelry theft because that is so obviously complete pucka and doesn’t even make any sort of logical sense. I’m talking about her recent shopping sprees. It seems Lindsay’s brother Cody has taken an interest in surfing so Lindsay dropped a pretty big chunk of chance on new things for Cody at a surf shop. This is apparently news. I have to tell you, the Lindsay bashing is getting a bit old. She’s working again and seems to be looking healthier and happier than she has in a long time. If she wants to spend money on her little brother to encourage him to pursue something he enjoys, that’s her business. He’s family. If I had more than $3.00 in my bank account at any given time, I’d do the exact same thing for my brothers. Here in Malibu, it’s clear Lindsay and her brother are close. Family is important and people should be encouraging Lindsay to focus more on her family and less on more negative influences in her life. Of course, in Lindsay’s case, her parents are among those negative influences which to me is all the more reason for Lindsay to step up and be there for her siblings. Perhaps I’m naive, but I think Lindsay is on the right path. I hope she keeps it up. I love this girl like I love puppies. I want to see her make the comeback so many doubted she’d ever make.

August 1, 2012
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Jennifer Nicole Lee Is Showing Off Her Body Again.

I will never give Jennifer Nicole Lee a hard time for wearing a teeny tiny bikini in the brightest possible colors to the beach because this is a woman who has earned the right to flaunt her body. I would likely be doing the same thing if I looked half as good as her. Not saying I couldn’t be nice and toned if I was willing to put in the time and effort because I probably could be. I’m just far too lazy for that sort of thing. A while back, I did give Jennifer a bit of a hard time for wearing a skimpy outfit shopping but that had nothing to do with Jennifer and everything to do with the fact that I think there is a time and place for skimpy clothing and the grocery store isn’t it. Whatever though. These photos are incredibly hot and so is Jennifer. Kudos to her for having the guts to change her life for the better.

May 14, 2012

Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Bakes A Cake In Her Underwear

Moments ago, I wrote a post about Courtney Stodden shopping in LA and talked about how I have been too judgmental about her. I’m not sure what order these posts will be published in so if you haven’t already seen that post yet there’s something to look forward to. Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I saw these pictures and thought, no. No. That is not Courtney’s mother posing with her underwear clad daughter as they bake a cake. Then I slapped myself on the wrist for being judgmental and decided to do a little research. I discovered that yes, that is in fact her mother but hey – who doesn’t like baking a cake in their underwear with their mother? In front of cameras? While posing all seductively? My mother would’ve been totally cool with me doing that when I was Courtney’s age. Nope. Not letting myself get all judgy here. Courtney looks very pretty. The makeup doesn’t make her look about ten years older and everything is perfectly acceptable about the whole situation.

March 13, 2012

Miley Cyrus Rocks A Bun In LA

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I love casual Miley Cyrus. There’s just something about this girl when she’s just running around town being herself that appeals to me. Here in LA, Miley is the epitome of casual. She’s just out shopping in clothes ready for the gym (perhaps her eventual destination) with her hair pulled back in a bun with little or no makeup on and she looks absolutely adorable. When she gets all glammed up for photo shoots, music videos or live performances, I find she loses a lot of that natural appeal and that’s kind of sad. I know she probably doesn’t have a whole lot of say in what she wears in a professional capacity so should anyone ever stumble across this post – somebody that has some say – I offer this; leave Miley alone. Let her wear what she wants to wear. I think the result would be something really appealing and really different than what many of the other starlets out there are doing.

December 21, 2011

Leggy Ashley Tisdale And Mom Shop For Christmas

“High School Musical” and “Hellcats” actress Ashley Tisdale and her mother Lisa head out for a little Mother/Daughter Christmas shopping at Planet Blue in Beverly Hills looking absolutely adorable. I was a little undecided on The Tis until I started watching her on “Hellcats”. I have to admit, she won me over. She may not be my favorite young actress working in Hollywood but I could see her doing bit things with her career if she chooses the right projects. What I like most about these pictures has nothing at all to do with how cute she looks in her high waisted black skirt and red boots. I like these pictures because they show Ashley as a pretty normal girl, hanging out with her Mom as they shop for the Holidays.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }