Search Results for “car”

December 30, 2013

Kim Kardashian Had A Birthday Or Something

I dunno, guys. I’m really kinda over Kim Kardashian. I always disliked her as a person but still thought she was stunning. Now … well, she’s still stunning. I just don’t care about her stunning-ness anymore. There are many, many far more attractive women in the entertainment industry I’d rather be looking at. Does she look hot in these shots from her birthday party in Las Vegas? Yeah, I suppose. Do I care? Nope. I think Kim could take a stroll down Rodeo in her birthday suit and I’d still find the pics boring. I can’t be the only person that feels that way.

December 28, 2013
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Eva Longoria Kills Me Inside In The Best Possible Way

There isn’t a single thing I don’t love about Eva Longoria. She’s smart. She’s sexy. She’s outspoken and she’s a lot more talented than people give her credit for. I think these shots, snapped in LA, really show what I love most about Eva. This woman can leave the house without putting a huge amount of effort into her appearance and still look gorgeous. It doesn’t look like she’s wearing a whole lot of makeup here and not a lot of effort has gone into her hairstyle yet she’s still a total knockout. I love red carpet pics of Eva when she’s all glammed up but there is definitely something to be said for casual shots. Love this woman. Always a pleasure to write about her.

December 27, 2013
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Irina Shayk Has Been Hit Or Miss For Me But That’s All Changed Now

Don’t get me wrong. I love Irina Shayk. She’s a stunningly beautiful woman with an incredible body and this natural, casual charm in front of the camera. With that all said, lately, some of her photos have been leaving me a little unimpressed. That is not the case with these photos from the Angel Ball in NYC. I love everything about these photos. I love her outfit. I love her hair. I love her makeup and I love – absolutely adore – her poses on the red carpet. In my humble opinion, these are some of the best Irina Skayk photos I’ve seen in quite some time and that makes me very happy indeed.

December 24, 2013
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Jade Foret Looks A Bit Like Rosemarie DeWitt, Right?

I am not good at recognizing faces. It’s a problem – especially when photos around here occasionally get mislabeled. I have to be really careful when I post to make sure I’m not posting about the wrong person and even then, I sometimes screw up. This is why I had to spend about twenty minutes searcing for photos of Jade Foret in which she did not look like Rosemarie DeWitt. I did not find any such photos. In these photos from Miami Beach, the similarities are especially striking. Ah well, both ladies are obviously very lovely so I suppose it doesn’t really matter either way.

December 23, 2013

Coco Austin Actually Looks Pretty Good Here

By now, most of you know I have very little patience for the likes of Coco Austin. She’s trashy, full of herself and, apparently, completely incapable of putting clothes on. All of those qualities turn me off in a big way. As I look at these shots though, I’m finding it very hard to care about her personality. She looks stunning in these ones and I’m a little taken aback by that. I don’t know what to think. My whole world has been turned upside down. Well, maybe not but it’s definitely a little weirder. Is this the beginning of a new trend for me? Am I actually going to start liking Coco now? Doubt it but let’s just stick with the positive vibe for now.

October 30, 2013

Nicole Scherzinger Plays It Safe

When I saw this first shot of Nicole Scherzinger getting out of a car in London, I was certain I would scroll down and see panties, allowing me another chance to rant about how tired upskirts of women getting out of cars have become. Kudos to Nicole Scherzinger for mostly avoiding that here. Oddly enough though, I’m a little disappointed. I kinda wanted to see Nicole’s panties which makes me feel gross and wrong. What have you done to me internet? Give me my soul back! Any ‘ole who, Nicole looks great here and once again, serious credit has to be given to her for being smart enough to avoid that dreaded crotch shot.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }