Search Results for “car”

October 2, 2012
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Rosie Huntington Out And About In Beverly Hills

Yes, I live Rosie Huntington. She’s gorgeous and she has a fantastic body. I think these photos of her (taken in Beverly Hills) are among my favorite pictures of her though. She just looks so relaxed. It’s always nice to see someone I’m used to seeing all glammed up for the red carpet rocking more casual attire. I also like the fact that she doesn’t seem to be paying a whole lot of attention to the cameras snapping away at her. She isn’t posing for them but she also doesn’t look like she’s bothered by them. I find that refreshing. She’s just a beautiful lady going about her business. I love this woman. I hope we continue to see more of her.

October 2, 2012

Kim Kardashian Takes In A Drag Boat Race.

By now, most of our regular readers know how I feel about Kim Kardashian. If you’re new ’round these parts, I’ll sum it up quickly for you. I’m pretty conflicted on Kim. As a media personality, she bugs me. Most ‘famous for being famous’ people do. At the same time, I love her style and think she’s gorgeous. See? Conflicted. These pictures are no exception. Here at a Drag Boat Race in Miami, Kim looks gorgeous. I always love seeing Kim looking a little more casual. I just wonder sometimes if everything she does is for the benefit of the cameras that follow her everywhere she goes. Is she just in the habit of striking sexy poses in her day to day life? Does she do that when no cameras are around? Life’s great mysteries. Whatever. She looks sexy here and in the end, that’s really all anyone cares about when it comes to Kim K, so I’d say these pictures are a success.

October 2, 2012
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Charlize Theron Is A Stunning Lady In Red.

Charlize Theron is everything a Hollywood starlet should be, at least in my opinion. She’s stunning, yes, but she’s also incredibly talented and she doesn’t always rely on her looks to sell movie tickets. “Monster” remains one of my all time favorite movies and a lot of the credit for that can go to Charlize’s performance. It was such an incredible physical transformation – to the point I barely recognized her – but it was also an incredibly powerful performance. Her work in that film is some of the best she’s done. Do I love every movie she’s ever done? No, but I always think she handles the material well. She clearly takes her career seriously and I appreciate that. She deserves all of the respect and admiration she gets.

October 2, 2012

Sofia Vergara Makes Me Question My Sexuality.

Because this is the type of website it is, most people assume the person writing these posts is a man. I’m not. I’m very much a woman – and a mostly straight one at that. I’ve had a few girl crushes over the years (Rose McGowan, Fairuza Balk, Carmen Electra, Sandra Bullock, Halle Berry … you get the point) but I rarely actually think, hey, maybe I’m bisexual. I say “rarely” because I’m not sure there are many women in this world that could look at these photos of Sofia and not think, “Yeah, okay – I’d totally do her.” She’s just so awesome. It’s not just that she’s smoking hot. I wrote about a lot of smoking hot women here. No, it’s more than that. So what is it? She’s awesome. She’s funny. She’s smart and she seems like she’d be a blast to hang out with. In these photos, Sofia is playing beer pong during her visit to “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon” at Rockefeller Center on September 27, 2012 in New York City. Gorgeous woman playing beer pong? Yup. That’s it. I’m in love.

October 1, 2012
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Ali Landry Is Super Sexy In These New Bikini Photos From Hawaii.

Ali Landry bikini pics are always a win for me. I have to admit, as talented as she is, I will probably always think of her as the Doritos girl but I’m willing to be she doesn’t care in the least. She looks fantastic. She’s confident and she seems to be doing pretty well for her self. Did she get started making commercials for delicious, cheesy potato chips? Sure – and it worked for her. Well done. Here in Hawaii, Ali looks just as incredible as one would expect. I’m thrilled to have the chance to write about her again. It’s not an opportunity I get nearly often enough.

October 1, 2012

Emma Watson Has A Blast On The Jonathan Ross Show

Oh how much do I love Emma Watson? This girl is just flat out adorable and that shines through in spades here in these photos from “The Jonathan Ross Show” in London. Look at that smile! She looks like she’s having the time of her life. Emma is always such a breath of fresh air. There are so many young celebrities out there who seem to hate the press process but Emma always seems to have fun with it. I didn’t see the interview but I have to imagine it was incredibly entertaining. The pictures from it certain are. Aside from her winning personality, I think my favorite thing about Emma is the fact that she really has her own style. I love the hair. I love the dress. I love every single thing about these pictures. What a beautiful girl. She certainly has a long, bright career in front of her.

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