Search Results for “celeb”

April 28, 2014
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Kimberley Garner And A Horse

I can’t express to you in words how much I love these pictures. I mean, I love them. I love them a whole lot. Kimberly looks fantastic, of course, and the horse looks like a horse my Mom had when I was little named Kayla. Is that why I am so fond of these pictures? Meh, maybe. I don’t know and I don’t care. All I know is that these photos make me smile and I like to smile so they work for me. Sometimes things really are that simple.

April 28, 2014
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Vanessa Hudgens Is No Slouch Either

The other day I wrote a post about Ashley Tisdale having the potential to be successful if she plays her cards right and immediately after that post went up, a friend e-mailed me to ask me why I thought Vanessa Hudgen’s career was going to crash and burn. I will address that issue now. I don’t think Vanessa is going to do poorly. She’s a beautiful young woman who really can act and has done some decent work in her time. She’s also got name recognition although that could hurt her depending on your perspective. I just happen to think Ashley has made more progress toward getting out of the High School MusicalĀ shadow. All that aside though, how gorgeous does Vanessa look in these shots taken at Ischia Global Festival? I love Vanessa. I really do and I’m sure she’ll have a long, happy career, as long as she makes smart personal and career choices. No more nude selfies leaking on the internet. Just pose for Playboy and get it over with. It worked for Drew Barrymore.

April 27, 2014
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Bar Refaeli Remains One Of My All Time Favorites

I love, love, love Bar Refaeli. I know I have a lot of all time favorite models but Bar is definitely in the top 10, if not the top 5. These photos show exactly why. She’s beautiful and she has a killer body but she also has the ability to infuse her photos with such personality. When the setting calls for smoldering sensuality, she does it, of course, but when the mood is lighter, she can do that too and she can do it just as well. I love everything about these shots. She looks like she’s having fun in some of them while still looking absolutely stunning. Very, very nice indeed.

April 27, 2014
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Selena Gomez Makes Me Sad

I wanted such good things for Selena Gomez. I wanted her to be the exception to the rule. I wanted her to be the good girl in a sea of bad girls. Apparently, I wanted too much and it wasn’t fair of me. Selena is a young, rich girl with lots of young rich friends. It’s silly to expect her to behave like a choir girl. I just hope she’s able to bring herself under control and find a way to be happy without all the extra things in life. She’s young and rich, yes, but if she alienates her fan base, can’t win over the older crowd and continues wasting money like water, she’s going to find herself wishing she’d been a little more careful one day. I’ve never lived the life of the rich and famous but I can’t imagine it’s fun to look back and realize you had the world in your hands and threw it all away.

April 26, 2014
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Josie Canseco And Her Ridiculous Caboose

Man oh man… how hot is Josie Canseco? She has just about everything I look for in a woman. She has a beautiful, natural face. She doesn’t look like she’s been worked on for an hour in a makeup chair in these shots, snapped in Miami, but she still looks incredible. She also has that long, flowing gorgeous hair that I love so much. Finally, there’s that body. Good heavens, look at that body. So beautiful. So sexy. These photographs remind me why I love this job so very, very much.

April 26, 2014
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Ali Larter Doesn’t Get Nearly Enough Attention…

…especially around these parts. I love Ali Larter. The woman is beautiful, talented and seems to have her feet on the ground. I like a woman that is beautiful but still down to earth and that’s exactly how I see Ali. In these shots from the Xperia Z launch in New York, Ali looks so incredibly beautiful. I love everything about these shots. She doesn’t look like she’s trying too hard to be sexy or glamorous. She looks like she’s just being herself. The sexy glamour in the shots just comes naturally. If I ever put out a product, I want Ali to promote it.

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