Search Results for “hot body”

January 7, 2012

Sexy Bikini Shots Of Cameron Diaz In Hawaii

There are a lot of things I like about Cameron Diaz. At the top of that list would be her completely relaxed and easy going attitude about nearly everything. This is a girl that just doesn’t seem to have a care in the world. She’s a tough girl but still extremely sexy. If I were to guess, I’d say her sexiness isn’t so much about her body (although it is a very, very nice body), her face or even her overall style. Instead, her sexiness comes from her confidence. There is a thin line between confidence and arrogance but Cameron seems to know exactly where that line is and stays well on the good side of it. Here in Hawaii, Cameron looks gorgeous in her bikini but more importantly, she looks relaxed and laid back. To be honest as I always am, Cameron doesn’t get near the credit she deserves. She’s sexy, smart, funny, confident and she’s also a talented actress. I’ve loved her since “The Mask” and am glad to see how far she’s come in her career.

January 6, 2012

Sexy Aida Yespica Teasing With Her Body

Aida Yespica is a gorgeous woman with a lot going for her. She’s absolutely stunning, has a gorgeous body and, if the wealth of bikini pictures I’ve written about with her name attached is any indication, spends a lot of time hanging out on the beach in various types of sexy swimwear. I’ll admit it. I’m jealous of her in many, many ways but mostly in the areas listed above. She’s taken what could’ve been a fleeting moment in the spotlight (her Miss Venezuela win) and parlayed it into a pretty decent career. I’m not sure exactly what she does these days but whatever it is, it keeps her name in the headlines so good for her. I look forward to many more sets of bikini pictures of this beautiful woman.

December 21, 2011
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Stunning Rosie Huntington In Sexy New Photoshoot

I can remember a time, not too long ago actually, that I had no idea who Rosie Hungington was. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Rosie only really hit the mainstream when she was cast as Megan Fox’s replacement in the most recent “Transformers” movie but that isn’t to say she didn’t have a fan base before that whole thing. It isn’t hard to see how she garnered that fan base. The woman is gorgeous. There’s something unique about her that I find incredibly appealing beyond the smoking hot body but to be honest, I can’t quite put my finger on what that is. Perhaps it’s the sort of old school Hollywood glamour she’s got going on in some of these shots. I really enjoy that. Regardless, I’m positive we haven’t seen the last of Rosie and I’m pretty happy about that.

December 14, 2011

Aisleyne Horgan Wallace In Sexy Bikini Photoshoot

You have to hand it to “Big Brother UK” alum Aisleyne Horgan Wallace. She definitely knows how to keep people talking about her. While some of her contemporaries fade into the background as soon as the show is over, Aisleyne flaunts her sexy body every chance she gets to stay relevant and keep her name out there. This bikini photoshoot will definitely help. I don’t really care for Aisleyne as a celebrity but only because I’m never a big fan of people who’s main claim to fame is reality television. Although there are a few exceptions, Aisleyne isn’t one of them. With that said, I like the way this girl looks in a bikini. She has a little meat on her bones. I’m tired of seeing stick thin models and actresses hitting the beach because that’s just not how most real women look. Granted, Horgan Wallace is still more attractive in her swimsuit than most women would be but at least she looks a little more realistic. I definitely appreciate that.

December 1, 2011
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LeAnn Rimes Goes Shopping In Body Hugging Dress

I don’t like LeAnn Rimes. There’s something so phony about her but I really don’t think that’s what bothers me about her. There is plenty of phony in Hollywood and most of the time I find it only mildly irritating. I also don’t think it’s the homewrecking that gets under my skin. There’s lots of that in Hollywood too. I used to love LeAnn. I’m not a huge fan of country music but I really liked her. Then she did the whole “Twisted Angel” thing and I guess that’s really when I started getting annoyed. Whatever the reason, I guess I have to admit she looks pretty good in these pictures taken at the Cross Creek Shopping Center in Malibu. She’s looking healthier than she has in a while so that’s nice to see.

November 23, 2011

Sexy Bikini Shots Of Jessica Jane Clement

To be honest, I’m apparently a little behind the times on my porn stars because I wasn’t aware that Jessica Jane Clement is also Jessie Jane, one of the most recognizable porn stars in the industry. It hardly matters to me. I have a pretty open mind when it comes to porn and porn stars. I figure if a girl is comfortable with her body, enjoys sex and wants to make a career out of it, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. It’s like the old saying goes – find something you love to do and find a way to get paid for it. Porn seems like a pretty good way to go there. I like Jessica. I think she’s a gorgeous woman. She definitely knows how to rock a bikini.

UPDATE: As it turns out, I was given some bad info on this one. Jessie and Jessica are two different people. Thanks to the person that pointed that out in the comments.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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