Search Results for “j”

January 26, 2014
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Adrienne Bailon Rocks The High Bun

I’m a fan of Adrienne Bailon. While she isn’t someone that excites me the way some of the other ladies I write about on a regular basis  she rarely disappoints all the same. In these shots from the Espys after party at the Palm in LA, Adrienne is looking especially incredible. I don’t often like the ‘high bun’ look on women because I don’t find it looks good on most women. Adrienne is not one of those women. She pulls it off and she pulls it off well. Very nice shots of a nice looking lady.

January 26, 2014
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Olivia Munn Confuses My Head

Do I like Olivia Munn or don’t I? I have no idea and that bugs me. That should really be a fairly easy question to answer but no. No it is not. She’s a beautiful woman, yes, and she really knows how to turn the sexy on … sometimes. In these shots from the God’s Love We Deliver Golden Heart Awards Celebration in NYC, I’m not sure I really find her all that attractive. Her body is great, sure but that’s never been enough for me. I need more than just a pretty body and, in these shots at least, I’m not sure I’m getting that. I think the problem may be the dress. It shows off her best features but I don’t really like the style or the design. I guess this is just one of those photo sets that I don’t like. It happens.

January 25, 2014
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Holly Peers Shows Off Her Body In A Sexy Lingerie Shoot

Oh man – Holly Peers. What can I complain about with these lingerie pics of Holly Peers? Nothing – not a damn thing. There is just nothing to complain about at all. She looks so incredible here. That body of hers … what can I even say about that body of hers? It’s pretty near perfect. She also has such a beautiful face. I love the way she poses in front of the camera. She really turns on the sexy without looking like she’s trying too hard. I still prefer the shoot I posted earlier today of Camilla Luddington but only by the smallest of margins. Great shoot.

January 25, 2014
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Camilla Luddington Offers Up The Best Photo Shoot I’ve Seen In A Long Time

I thought it would be hard for anyone to top the sexy Keke Palmer photo shoot I shared yesterday but here we are only a few hours later and Camilla Luddington has managed to do exactly that. To be fair though, I might be a bit biased. I’m a huge fan of Camilla as an actress. I loved her on Californication and I loved her on True Blood. I’ve never been a huge Grey’s Anatomy fan but I did tune in to check Camilla out as Jo Wilson. In these shots, we get to see Camilla showing off just how beautiful she really is. Each one of these shots is incredible and I can honestly say, this is, in my opinion anyway, the best shoot I’ve shared in quite some time. Absolutely gorgeous.

January 24, 2014
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Super Sexy Keke Palmer Photo Shoot

Man alive – Keke Palmer is one crazy beautiful woman, isn’t she? I mean, just look at that body of hers. Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous. I love everything about these photos and more than that, I love every single one of these photos. Usually with photo shoots, there are some photos I like and some photos I could do without. Not this time, my friends. Every one of these pictures is just as sexy as the last. I don’t think it would be possible for me to love these photos more than I do now.

January 24, 2014
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Aviva Drescher Makes Me So Freaking Happy

There are a lot of things I don’t like about Aviva Drescher and there are a few things I do like about her. In this particular case, the things I like about her outweigh the things I don’t like by a fairly wide margin. I’m not a fan of ‘reality television’. I never really have been. Out of all the reality shows on television though, the Real Housewives series sits somewhere near the bottom of the barrel for me. In my opinion, there is nothing real about those housewives. With that said, in my eyes, Aviva is different. She lost her leg in a farming accident when she was a child but she still hits the beach in a bikini without the slightest indication that she’s at all self conscious about her prosthetic. And why would she be? The woman looks incredible.

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