Search Results for “me”

June 9, 2012

Nicole Scherzinger And Lewis Hamilton Vacation In Italy

I don’t really know what to say about Nicole Scherzinger. She’s beautiful, talented and has a fantastic body yet her solo career hasn’t exactly gone smoothly. Normally I’d say that being hot isn’t enough to win over the general public but, A) I’m not so sure that’s true and B) Nicole has more than enough talent to hold her own with some of the world’s biggest pop divas. Perhaps the market is just too saturated these days. Perhaps there’s something about Nicole the general public doesn’t connect with. Perhaps the songs she’s chosen as singles haven’t been all that great. I’m going to go with the last perhaps. I still believe she’ll have that hit she’s after one of these days. All the same, Nicole doesn’t seem too concerned with all that in these photos from her vacation with Lewis Hamilton in Italy. She seems like she’s pretty relaxed. I say good for her. No need to worry about Nicole. I think she’ll be fine no matter what happens.

June 9, 2012
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Blake Lively Is Surprisingly Stunning.

I know this is going to ruffle some feathers but I have to be honest. I never really found Blake Lively all that attractive. I’m not sure what it was about her that turned me off but it was definitely something. I’ve always thought she has a fantastic body but I didn’t find her face attractive. It sounds harsh, I know and she’s far more attractive and successful than I’ll ever be, but that’s just my opinion. Or at least it was my opinion until I saw these photos. I love everything about these shots. I think Blake looks absolutely stunning. Maybe I’ve been missing something about her all along. If so, I owe her a big fat apology because she looks beautiful here.

June 8, 2012
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Kate Beckinsale Is My Ideal Woman.

I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating. I am more or less a straight female but I would gladly consider switching teams for Kate Beckinsale. There isn’t a single thing about this woman that doesn’t captivate me. She’s absolutely gorgeous, yes but she’s also smart, charming and funny. She also seems like a fantastic mother. No, in my eyes Kate Beckinsale can do no wrong. In these photos, we see Kate celebrating Memorial Day in Malibu with her family and she looks like she’s having a pretty low key day. I think that might be what I love about her most. She seems to be the kind of woman that can just sit back and enjoy the simpler things in life. I love this lady. Beautiful and classy.

June 7, 2012

Hey, Emma Roberts! You Have Holes In Your Pockets!

I love Emma Roberts. She’s absolutely freaking adorable. I also love these pictures of Emma taken in Studio City, California. I love the outfit she’s wearing, including the shorts with the massive frayed holes in the pockets. I have to assume the holes are meant to be there as I’m sure Emma has the kind of bank account that allows for new shorts and that somehow makes me like those shorts even more. Here’s something I’m not sure I really realized about Emma until now, though. She has incredible legs. I guess I just never noticed because I was too distracted by how adorable she is. I also can’t finish this post without mentioning Emma’s shoes. Adorable! I love this girl!

June 6, 2012
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Michelle Hunziker Keeps It Sexy In Her Bikini

It seems like Michelle Hunziker spends her every waking moment in a bikini because every time I post about her, that’s what she’s wearing. Of course I’m not complaining because she is a stunning woman who looks fantastic in a bikini. It was really just an observation. If I looked like Michelle, I can promise you I’d be spending a fairly good chunk of my time in a bikini as well. The thing I like about these pictures, and Michelle in general, is the fact that she doesn’t just seem to be wearing a bikini to get people to look at her. She’s just hanging out on a beach in Miami and is wearing a bikini while she does it. I can’t wait for the next set. I’m sure I won’t have to wait long.

June 5, 2012

Miley Cyrus Takes The Dog For A Walk.

I am really back and forth on Miley Cyrus. Sometimes I love her. Other times I’m not such a big fan. I’m not crazy over her music (or her acting) but as a celebrity, I kind of like her. She always gets herself in trouble and as a celebrity gossip addict, that really appeals to me. She doesn’t hurt anyone. She doesn’t even really do things that should get her in trouble yet she seems to find herself at the center of one controversy or another on a semi-regular basis. Actually, it has been a while. That means Miley is just about due for another ridiculous controversy. I can’t wait to see people get their backs all up about nothing. That’s always a good time.

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