Search Results for “personal”

November 8, 2011
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Amanda Harrington On Set In Liverpool

I’m sad to admit this, but I have no idea who Amanda Harrington is. The information accompanying these pictures says they were taken on the set of Desperate Housewives in Liverpool, England. I had found that lovely Amanda is from Liverpool but I’m not sure about the Desperate Housewives part. Perhaps there’s a different “Desperate Housewives” I’m not familiar with or perhaps the ladies of Wysteria Lane have traveled to England. I have no idea. I haven’t watched the show since the end of the first season. All the same, here’s Amanda Harrington looking stunning in workout gear. According to Chickipedia, Amanda is a model and television personality. I want to know more about her. She’s quite lovely.

November 2, 2011
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Kirsten Dunst Relaxing In A Bikini

I’ve been a Kristen Dunst fan since “Interview with the Vampire” but even I have to admit girl has made some pretty questionable moves in her personal life. It seemed for a while that Dunst was off her rails, heading the way of so many young Hollywood starlets before her. I’m not entirely sure that’s no longer the case but in these pictures from Las Vegas, Kristen is looking pretty healthy. That’s definitely nice to see. She’s always been gorgeous, even if there are those out there who wouldn’t necessarily agree with me. There’s something appealing about her and I really wish her nothing but the best. I want to see her pull herself together and get her career on track. I hope that’s not wishful thinking.

October 22, 2011
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Sexy Candice Swanepoel Bikini Pics

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Candice Swanepoel is one of the sexiest women in the modeling industry today. She proves me right once again in these wonderful behind the scenes shots from a Victoria’s Secret bikini photoshoot. Her body is absolutely incredible. She has the ability to look sexy and alluring without her poses looking too forced or unnatural. Aside from all of that and having little to do with Candice, I just need to take a moment to comment on that bikini. I absolutely love it. I personally would never be able to pull off that kind of look but Candice sure does.

October 16, 2011

Jodie Marsh Is Going To Give Me Nightmares

Good heavens! I don’t… I can’t… my eyes! I used to kind of sort of almost like Jodie Marsh. She wasn’t my favorite as far as media personalities go but she was at least hot. I liked the edgy girl with the blond hair, the tattoos and the rock n’ roll attitude. I don’t know what these pictures are showing me. There is a fine line between athletic and frightening and let me tell you, Jodie has is so far across that line she can’t even see where it was anymore. Why would she do this to herself. It reminds me of those first pictures of super buff Carrot Top. Not sexy. Not impressive. Just plain frightening.

October 15, 2011

Lovely Leona Lewis Hangs Out With A Horse

I really like Leona Lewis. I like her music. I like her personality. I like her style. After seeing these pictures of her at the Hopefield Animal Sanctuary Fundraiser, I think I like her even more. She’s not dressed in her most provocative outfit but that’s kind of nice every now and again. She looked lovely all the same. Leona isn’t the super sexy pop princess anyway. Her success has as much to do with her talent as it does her looks and I appreciate that. The only question is… what the heck is that white fluffy thing she’s holding in one of the pictures? Is that a bunny? If it is, I want one.

October 10, 2011
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Lacey Schwimmer Hits Up Lady Foot Locker

I freaking love Lacey Schwimmer. I really do. The lady is gorgeous, talented and has the sort of feisty personality that just makes me melt. I normally don’t like girls that are overly athletic there is really a fine line between athletic and masculine but Lacey manages to walk that line gracefully. Her body is just ridiculous and I love that she’s not afraid to show that off. Here at Lady Foot Locker in LA, Lacey shows off her lovely legs, her toned abs and her infectious personality, all while just trying on shoes and sportswear. I hope she gets to stick around this season on Dancing with the Stars despite the fact that her partner, Chaz Bono, really can’t dance. Still love him though and love her. The two of them together are entertaining of nothing else.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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