Search Results for “bikini”

March 24, 2013

Courtney Stodden, You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

Every time I’m assigned a set of Courtney Stodden pictures, I tell myself that I’m going to be open minded and not have a preconceived notion of what I should expect. I tell myself that the set of photos will be different than all of the other ones we’ve seen. I tell myself she’ll have found some self respect hidden at the bottom of her lingerie drawer and realize she doesn’t have to be half naked to be worth something. Then I open the photos and it’s more of the same old thing. We get it Courtney. You have a nice body. What else do you have? Can you act? Can you sing? Can you do anything other than strike the same exact poses in different costumes. I have to say though, this new set of photos is an all time low for this girl. “Washing a car” in a teeny tiny bikini and big ass heels? That’s not new. It’s not interesting. It’s been done and it’s been done better. If you’re going to steal the same idea a million other women had before you, at least do it better. Otherwise you wind up looking like a lame imitation. You want to be shocking and get attention? Show us you have a brain in that bleach blonde head. That would be truly mind blowing.

March 24, 2013
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Sexy Brazilian Model Julia Pereira Looks Smoking Hot In Miami

I’m not all that familiar with Julia Pereira aside from a few photo shoots here and there but I have to say I’m a fan of what I’ve seen and am most definitely a fan of what I’m seeing here. In these photos from Miami, Julia is looking absolutely stunning. I love the bikini and I love how the bikini looks on her. She’s the kind of woman I could look at all day. She has a fantastic body, a beautiful face and she exudes such a confident sort of vibe. I find that incredibly appealing. If she’s bothered by the cameras snapping away at her every mood, she doesn’t let on in the least. If that were me, I’d be far too uncomfortable to even be able to consider relaxing. She doesn’t appear to have that problem. Fantastic pictures. I hope we see more of her soon.

March 16, 2013

So I Had This Dream About Adriana Lima …

A few nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night after what I like to call “the hamburger dream”. When I was little, my mother didn’t have a lot of money and that sometimes meant we had to go without food. I’d go to bed after not eating all day and I’d dream of a big, fat hamburger sitting on a plate right in front of me. I’d open my mouth to take a bite and wake up just before I could sink my teeth in. I’d look around confused, wondering where my hamburger went only to have the crushing realization that my subconscious was a jerk and had played a cruel joke on me. Now that I’m older, well, okay – I write online for a living. That often means I don’t have food because this isn’t a job you do if you’re looking to get rich – or pay the bills, for that matter. Anyway, I still have the hamburger dream on occasion (although now it’s usually a Tim Horton’s Chicken Wrap or chicken nuggets) and it’s still just as disappointing to wake up and find I’m trying to eat my pillow. What does all this have to do with these photos of Adriana Lima in Los Angeles? Well let me tell you. The other night, I had the hamburger dream, as I mentioned. This time though, I wasn’t alone in my dream. I was on a beach relaxing in a beach chair when Adriana Lima came over to me. She said she’d seen a post I wrote about her and wanted to buy me dinner. I wasn’t going to turn that offer down so I got up and suddenly we were in our bikinis in some fancy beach restaurant. Everyone else was in full black tie garb and I felt self conscious. Adriana told me it was okay because we were just a little early for bikini time. Suddenly I looked around and everyone had changed into bikinis – including the men, which was weird. Anyway, we laughed for a bit and Adriana asked what I wanted to eat. I, for some reason, suddenly felt panic because I was with Adriana and although I was starving, I didn’t want to eat more than she was eating. Then for some reason, we were in the kitchen of the restaurant and all of the food was in front of us. Adriana started eating everything in sight and I was just about to take a bit of a chicken nugget when I woke up. It was like the disappointment of a hamburger dream multiplied by a number I can’t even calculate but I couldn’t really feel the full weight of that disappointment. I was too busy trying to wrap my head around what was by far the weirdest dream I ever had – and I once had a dream my ex-boyfriend turned into a bucket of chicken my family wanted to eat. Yes. These are the things I dream about. A shrink would have a field day with me!

March 16, 2013
Comments Off on Penelope Cruz Shows Off Her Baby Bump In Barbados

Penelope Cruz Shows Off Her Baby Bump In Barbados

I love Penelope Cruz. I think she’s classy, beautiful, talented and she looks damn good in a bikini, baby bump or no baby bump. I have always had a special place in my heart for pregnant women who aren’t ashamed of their bulging bellies. With that said, I find it a little … bizarre, we’ll say, when a woman feels the need to pose naked with the exposed baby bump for magazine covers and glossy photo spreads. It was inspiring when Demi Moore did it. She took control and proved that a woman can be pregnant and sexy. But it’s been done now. It’s been done and done and done. We get it. You’re proud of your belly and that’s cool but do we need to see a naked photo spread to be convinced? No! And Penelope Cruz has proved that in these shots from Barbados. She’s just out enjoying a nice day in a bikini. I think that’s fantastic.

March 16, 2013
Comments Off on Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherspoon And Drew Barrymore Vacation In Mexico

Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherspoon And Drew Barrymore Vacation In Mexico

I am a huge fan of two out of the three ladies in the photos. I will not specify which ones because that just feels mean. Regardless of my feelings on the women as celebrities or as actresses, I think all three are absolutely beautiful. I know a lot of people are going to nitpick these photos of Cameron Diaz, Reese Witherspoon and Drew Barrymore in Mexico, pointing out whatever flaws they see, but I’m not going to be one of those people. I don’t honestly care what they look like in a bikini. I love these photos because I love seeing these women enjoy each other’s company. There is so much cattiness among the women in the entertainment industry. It’s always so nice to see two or three women really forming a real friendship and putting everything else aside. They looked like they had a great time.

March 15, 2013
1 Comment

Alessandra Ambrosio Is Smoking Hot And No One Can Tell Me Otherwise.

I don’t care if she’s in a bikini or fully clothes, Alessandra Ambrosio is one of the most beautiful women in the world. I love these photos of her recent photo shoot in Malibu because they really prove a point I’ve been making for years – Alessandra Ambrosio is smoking frigging hot no matter what she’s wearing. I know it’s kind of cliche to say she’d look good in a potato sack but it’s a cliche that fits here. I don’t need to see a lot of skin – although I certainly won’t complain when I do. Alessandra’s sexiness is about more than her hot body. It’s about her confidence and her attitude. I adore this woman, as if that even needs to be said at this point. These photos are fantastic.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }