Search Results for “bikini”

April 15, 2012
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Sexy Bikini Pics Of Rachel Bilson In Barbados

Rachel Bilson is, without even a little bit of doubt, one of my favorite actresses on television right now. I wasn’t a huge fan of “The O.C.” but I liked Rachel’s performance on the show. After the show ended, I sort of forgot Rachel existed until I saw her again in “The Last Kiss” with Zach Braff. It was like I’d fallen in love with her all over again. Now that she’s back on television in The CW’s “Hart of Dixie” I don’t want to let her go. Of course it helps that “Hart of Dixie” just happens to be one of my favorite shows on television. Seriously, more people really need to watch this one. If “Hart” gets cancelled I may cry. If these bikini pictures of Rachel in Barbados aren’t enough to convince you to tune in, I don’t know what else to say. Take my word for it? It’s silly and a little mindless but it’s funny. Team Wade all the way.

April 14, 2012

Sexy Hayden Panettiere Plays A Little Bikini Basketball

I’ve always liked Hayden Panettiere but to be honest, she’s fallen off my radar a little bit as of late. I’m not sure why that is exactly. Hayden is a beautiful and talented young actress that has never seemed desperate to hold onto her fame like many other actresses her age. Here in Hawaii, Hayden shows off a little of that easy going attitude, taking a little time to herself to enjoy a little basketball and a little tennis. Sure she happens to be wearing a bikini while she does it but she looks comfortable, happy and like she’s genuinely having fun. I love these pictures.

April 5, 2012

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Karina Smirnoff In Hawaii

“Dancing with the Stars” pro dancer Karina Smirnoff looks incredible on the dance floor and off. While to some Karina is more well known for being the “Dancing with the Stars” pro that got herself in a little hot water after taking it all off for Playboy, fans of the show know her as the fiery dancer that works hard to bring out the best in her partners. Last season, she took home the mirror ball trophy with actor/veteran J.R. Martinez. Her chances of a repeat victory don’t look terrific with partner Gavin Degraw but he’s gorgeous and charming so they’re at least fun to watch. Here in Hawaii, Karina shows off her killer dancer’s body in a sexy white bikini. I love Karina. I can’t wait to see how the rest of her season shapes up.

April 2, 2012

New Bikini Pics Of Teen Bride Courtney Stodden

Are we really still talking about this girl? In my always very humble opinion, Courtney Stodden (or the Teen Bride as she’s likely more commonly known) is a whole new low in “famous for being famous” celebrities. As a culture, I think we’re often fascinated by things we don’t understand. I think we like to be angry and outraged and for a lot of people, 16 year old Courtney’s marriage (her husband is 51 year old actor, Doug Hutchison) has drawn so much attention for both of those reasons. We not only can’t understand why this beautiful young woman would marry a man so much older than her but also why her mother would give permission for such a thing to happen. It makes people angry. I try to keep an open mind about everything but this one is really tricky for me. Here in Malibu, Courtney actually looks happy. Maybe all the outrage is unwarranted. If she’s happy, healthy and feels good about the decisions she’d made, that’s her business. I don’t believe a girl her age is incapable of making smart decisions. When I was 16, I was more mature than many of the older people in my life. Somehow that’s changed now and at 30 I’ve the maturity of a teenager, but that’s beside the point. I just hope Courtney doesn’t look back on this time in her life one day and regret not really taking the time to be a teenager. I worry for her but I suppose it’s really none of my business. I wish her the best of luck although I think she’d have a much better chance of having a healthy and happy life if the press would turn the cameras off.

March 30, 2012

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Doutzen Kroes In Miami

A few days ago, I was writing a post about Doutzen Kroes and her family enjoying a little beach time. This kind of feels like déjà vu; not that I’m complaining, of course. I love Doutzen. Although I will admit the woman is a bit on the thin side, I don’t think she looks frighteningly thin. She looks like a woman that takes good care of herself. She looks tones and in shape, not just boney. I like that. Here in Miami, Florida, Doutzen once again looks to be having a great time with her beautiful son and her friends. That’s always nice to see. I’m a sucker for a woman that can take time out for her family and Doutzen definitely seems to be that kind of woman.

March 30, 2012

51yr Old Rita Rusic Rocks A Red Bikini

While reading over some information about Rita Rusic to do this post, I was a little disturbed by a few things. Those things don’t relate to Rita per say but rather about the kind of trash talk people like to talk about her appearance, especially when she slips into a bikini. That sincerely bugs me. First, I think she looks incredible. Let’s just remember for a second that Rita isn’t in her early twenties anymore like many of the woman we often feature on this site. She’s in her early fifties and I’d say she looks pretty damn good for her age. What I find most appealing about her though is her confidence. I love these pictures. Rita is beautiful, strong and confident – all things I admire very much.

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