Search Results for “celebrity ass”

July 10, 2013

Michelle Rodriguez Is A Babe

I have always been a big Michelle Rodriguez fan. She’s sexy, she’s tough and she’s confident. I love the fact that she takes on bad ass roles typically reserved for men and always delivers. Michelle might have a reputation for being a bit crazy but I don’t think that’s entirely fair. She’s had her problems but she also seems to have overcome them – for the most part, anyway. That counts for a lot in my eyes. In these photos, we see Michelle looking glammed up and we see her looking casual. I think she looks fantastic both ways. I love this girl. If I had my way, she’d be the biggest female star in Hollywood. I absolutely adore her.

July 10, 2013

Nicole Scherzinger Shows Off Her Belly

Now this is a look I like. The pants suit says business but the exposed belly says sexy. I think it’s the perfect look for a girl like Nicole Scherzinger. She also kept the whole outfit looking youthful and fresh by choosing a nice bold color. This is an outfit that guarantees all eyes are on Nicole but it guarantees that in the right way. It’s easy to get everyone paying attention by wearing something see through or wearing something that is especially revealing but Nicole has gone another way with it. She teases us with a little bit of skin but still keeps it classy. This is a great look for Nicole. I really think it works for her.

July 9, 2013

Zahia Dehar Leaves Very, Very Little To The Imagination

Before I get to the post, I want to share something. Sometimes I get a little information with the photos I’m given to write about. This was one of those times. The info referred to Zahia Dehar’s dress as the “that’s what I call see-thru” dress and that made me grin because it is 100% accurate. Now, I’ve only had the opportunity to post about Zahia Dehar once or twice before but boy oh boy do I remember her story. So, the young lady in these photos – ya know, the one who wore pretty much nothing to the opening of her boutique in Paris – is a model but that’s not really what she’s most well known for. No, Zahia is most well known for her part in a massive prostitution scandal in France a few years back. I guess prostitution is legal in France but only when the prostitute is over 18. Since Zahia was only 17 when three men were caught paying her for sex, they found themselves in pretty hot water. The resulting press exposure got Zahia a modeling contract and her own boutique. She has further capitalized on the exposure by posting racy photos on Twitter and wearing dresses like this one. I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions on this girl but to be honest, I think the dress speaks for itself.

July 8, 2013
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Reese Witherspoon Goes Shopping In Brentwood

Reese Witherspoon is a great mystery to me. I get why people like her because I sometimes like her. I also get why people don’t like her because I sometimes don’t like her. In all honesty, I have no idea from one photoset to the next how I’m going to feel about her. This time, I like her. I think she looks cute as she goes shopping in Brentwood. I’ve never considered Reese “hot” but she does have an appealing adorableness about her sometimes. I like the outfit she’s opted for her. I think it compliments her well and shows off her lovely legs. I don’t typically like big sunglasses but I think these ones look nice on her. All in all, the pictures are great. Just don’t expect my favorable opinion of Reese to last. It could be gone with the next set of photos.

July 8, 2013
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Kendall Jenner Tries To Go Incognito?

The hat isn’t fooling anyone, Kendall Jenner. We all know who you are. It’s gonna take a lot more than a hat and some dark glasses to conceal your identity. I’m kidding of course. Kendall likely wasn’t going for anonymity here. I think she understands, even at her young age, that anonymity isn’t something she can get. I think Kendall chose this outfit for fashion related purposes and I’m glad she did. I think she looks fantastic. I love everything about this outfit and I love everything about the way it looks on her. Maybe she was just looking for something low key. If that was the intention, she nailed it. She looks gorgeous here. The hat and the glasses bring an element of mystery and I find that appealing. Great shots of a pretty young lady.

July 7, 2013
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Suzanne Quast Is So Underrated I Didn’t Even Know Who She Was

Here’s the thing about Suzanne Quast. I saw her name on my assignments list and knew I’d have to do some research for this post because I was quite certain I’d never seen or heard of her. I opened the pictures and was struck by how familiar she looked. I scrolled through the photos and decided she was an incredibly beautiful woman but was also an incredibly beautiful woman I’ve seen before. I looked her up on IMDB and took a quick peek at her resume and realized I’ve seen her in about a million things. I remembered her from BonesThe Flip SideThe Grief TouristSouthlandThe Nine Lives of Chloe KingThe Craigslist KillerCriminal MindsIt’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Football WivesPush and South Beach. Aside from shorts, I’ve see pretty much everything she’s ever done. How can I not remember her name? All that changes now. I will most definitely remember the name Suzanne Quast from not on.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }