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June 7, 2013
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Miranda Kerr Wants To Sell Me Razors

I don’t care what Miranda Kerr is trying to sell me. I’ll buy it. Not kidding. She could be selling $500 punches in the face and I’d be all over it. I’m not sure what it is about Miranda that does that to me. There are lots of gorgeous woman around the world – gorgeous women I post about on a regular basis, no less – that advertise all sorts of products but very few of them actually make me want to run out and purchase said product. Here at The Gillette Venus Step Up NY event, Miranda is looking exceptionally lovely. I don’t typically like yellow but I think it looks fantastic on her. The design of the dress is lovely as well, complimenting her body beautifully. These are fantastic photos. I absolutely love this girl. Now I have to buy one of these razors though. It better be worth it.

June 7, 2013
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Is Nicole Richie Looking Too Thin Again?

I’m not normally the kind of person that says someone is too curvy or someone is too thin but I worry about Nicole Richie. I always have. When she went through her super skinny period a few years back, I couldn’t help thinking there was something terribly wrong because, yes, there is such a thing as ‘too skinny’. She looked nearly skeletal back then and I was worried about her health. She sought treatment and seemed to be looking healthier and happier for a long time. She got past all the drama and hoopla of her drama days – the DUI arrests, the very brief stay in jail etc – and seemed so much smarter for it. When I look at these photos from the Fashion Awards in NYC, my mind travels back to those days. She doesn’t look unhealthy … yet. I just worry that things could be headed that way again. That’s me. Mother Hen to people I don’t even know. This is what happens when you spend way too much time writing about celebrities and not nearly enough time with your own friends and family members.

June 7, 2013

Melissa Riso Is Quickly Becoming One Of My Favorite Women To Post About

Ah, I know. I use the term ‘favorite’ way too often for it to mean anything but that doesn’t mean I don’t honestly mean it when I say it. I post about a lot of women here on a regular basis. Some of them I’m crazy about. Some of them, well, not so much. Melissa Riso is one of the women I’m crazy about and it seems I’m only getting crazier about her with every new set of photos. Take these shots, for example. These pictures from a photoshoot in Los Angeles, California are absolutely stunning. That first picture is brilliant but so are the rest of them, really. I also have to say again that I am a sucker for a woman with tattoos and that tattoo on her stomach is a fine example of why. It’s not overly bold, could be easily concealed for a dressy event but in a bikini, it draws all of one’s attention to that toned tummy. I love this girl. I can’t possibly say enough nice things about her.

June 7, 2013
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Roxanne Pallett Is Still Very Pretty

Roxanne Pallett has been a bit of a stranger around these parts as of late and I’m quite happy to see her back again. I really like Roxanne Pallett. She’s very pretty and has a fantastic body. These photos, snapped in Majorca,Spain, are a great way to welcome Roxanne back to the site. She looks absolutely incredible in them but more than looking sexy, she looks like she’s having a great time. I’ve always loved that about this lady. She seems to be such a laid back, relaxed sort of woman and I just find that whole vibe so appealing. In the past, I’ve speculated as to whether or not I’m so attracted to women who can relax because I have a hard time relaxing myself but after careful consideration, I think I’ve decided that has nothing to do with it. I think I just like relaxed women because I really don’t like uptight women. Go figure. Sometimes I just read way too much into things. Am I alone in that?

June 7, 2013
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Amy Childs Hits The Beach In Spain And Looks Absolutely Stunning

I’m not a big fan of girls who wear makeup to the beach … usually. I don’t know why I’ll make an exception for Amy Childs but here I am, making an exception for Amy Childs. I suppose I just find her far too hot to stick to my typical rules. I sometimes feel like Amy looks a little too trashy for my taste but that isn’t the case here. She’s on the beach. It’s perfectly acceptable to wear next to nothing on the beach. In fact, in comparison to some of the bikinis I’ve seen since I started writing for this site, Amy’s bikini in these shots from Marbella, Spain is downright modest. I’m not a huge fan of the color but it works for Amy. Very nice photos of a very pretty girl.

June 7, 2013
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Farrah Abraham Frolicks On The Beach

I used to like Farrah Abraham. I really did. It’s funny how much of a difference one little sex tape can make. See, it’s not the sex tape I have a problem with. It’s all the lies that went along with the sex tape. Threatening to sue anyone that posted her ‘private’ sex tape online was just sleazy, considering it wasn’t a private tape at all but was filmed in front of a very professional camera crew with a very professional porn star partner. This was a tape that was made to be distributed and I have no problem with that – assuming, of course, the people involved are honest about it. I know I should let the whole thing go but the whole thing just bothered me so very much. I used to defend this girl when people talked smack about her. Now I just feel silly about that. All the same, she looks hot enough in these photos from Miami Beach and I suppose the sex tape in question was an especially good sex tape so that counts for … well, nothing in my opinion but probably a whole lot in the opinions of others.

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