Search Results for “preg”

September 20, 2011

Sexy Ass Shots Of Hilary Duff In LA

So we all know Hilary Duff is pregnant. Why hide the bump? Perhaps that’s just the way Hilary always carries her purse, but it definitely looked more like baby bump hiding to me. It doesn’t matter. The girl still looks gorgeous. I don’t think I ever realized what a nice ass Hilary has until I saw these pictures. It’s always nice to find something new to fixate on with someone you’re crazy about and for me with Hilary, I think that new something will be her butt. Here in Los Angeles, Hilary looks like her usual laid back self. I love the fact that she’s not afraid to be casual. I’m looking forward to seeing her over the course of her pregnancy. I think she’s going to look adorable. Let’s hope she names her baby something normal. Enough crazy names, Hollywood. Seriously – enough.

September 4, 2011
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Cameron Diaz Baby Bump?

So I guess I’m a little behind on the movie news as of late because I can’t remember hearing about a movie staring Cameron Diaz in which she plays a pregnant woman. With that said, these pictures from Atlanta have to be for a movie as I seem to recall seeing bikini pictures of Cameron not too long ago and she definitely wasn’t pregnant in those. I dunno, normally I’m not really one of those women that thinks a woman is most beautiful when she’s pregnant but the look kind of works for Cameron. Perhaps her biological clock is ticking. Perhaps not. Cameron doesn’t seem like the settling down into motherhood type to me.

August 30, 2011

Victoria Justice Is A Smoking Hot Babe

The 2011 MTV Video Music Awards happened this past Sunday and, as usual, fashion took center stage. Nicki Minaj wore something crazy and colorful that sort of looked like it had been stolen from Lady Gaga’s closet. Lady Gaga, on the other hand, took her crazy in a different direction and appeared in drag as her alter ego Jo Calderone. Beyonce showed off her baby bump and announced her pregnancy to the world. Then, in the midst of all that craziness, there was Victoria Justice looking absolutely incredible. This woman is so incredibly beautiful it’s ridiculous. In these sexy bikini photos, Victoria shows off her gorgeous body in a way I’m not used to seeing from her. Normally more adorable than sexy, I like this new side of her.

August 28, 2011
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Kelly Brook Shows Off Her Trimmer Figure

Kelly Brook has been a bit of a controversial subject for me on this site. I’ve always maintained I liked her body but I will admit she’s been slimmer. The fact that she was pregnant not all that long ago plays a lot into that. Not everyone can immediately shed baby weight and one has to imagine the emotionally difficult circumstances surrounding the miscarriage made it hard to find the desire to tackle that weight loss. It seems though with every picture set I get of her that she is losing more of that weight. Here at London’s Sky Ride, Kelly looks radiant and lovely. I love the sexy yet somehow demure dress and the shade of pink is perfect for her. It’s great to see her looking great and looking like she’s feeling great. Love this babe.

August 18, 2011

Hilary Duff In A Sportsbra And Shorts

Congratulations are in order. The lovely Hilary Duff and husband Mike Comrie are expecting their first child. Clearly these pictures were taken either before she got pregnant or before she started to show. It’s pretty hard to hide that tell tale baby bump in a sportsbra and shorts as Hilary is wearing here for the 2011 Danskin clothing line. I’ve always had a soft spot for Hilary. She managed to make it through a childhood in the spotlight without going bat poop crazy and I respect that. I love that she’s finally finding her way back into the spotlight now. She has the sort of fresh faced beauty I find appealing and even looks good without makeup. I love Hilary and wish her nothing but the best in the future.

August 17, 2011

Vanessa Hudgens Shows Off Her Legs

I’m not normally the type of person that would call out a celebrity for gaining weight – especially not a young female celebrity – but I’m not sure I can avoid it this time. Here with sister out shopping in Studio City, Vanessa Hudgens is looking a little bigger than she usually looks. Her face is a bit rounder and she seems to be covering her stomach. I recently heard from a few different gossipy types that there are rumors circulating that young Vanessa may be pregnant and these pictures have me wondering if that’s true. Perhaps that’s the only reason I noticed the rounder than usual face and the baggier than usual clothes. To be fair, I don’t know Vanessa and I don’t know anyone who knows her and I’ve heard those same pregnancy rumors about pretty much every celeb in the business at one point or another. I’m just saying a bun in the over would explain the possible weight gain. It is possible that the outfit just isn’t really that flattering. Her hair could also give her face the rounder appearance. Who knows? One thing is for certain though, Vanessa has a killer set of legs.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }