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June 6, 2014

Carol Vorderman Is Not Really My Idea Of Attractive But…

… this site isn’t just here for me, now is it? It’s here for all of our wonderful readers and I’m certain there are lots and lots of people out there who will thing Carol is super hot. She’s just not what I tend to look for when I look for a hot woman but hey, to each their own. I do like the outfit she’s chosen here. It compliments her figure beautifully and really accentuates her finest features. Overall, I like the shots, even if they don’t get my pulse racing like photos of some of the other girls we post about on this site do.

June 6, 2014
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Katie Cleary Is A Vision In Red

I really, really like these shots of Katie Cleary. I love the dress. I love the hair. I love the makeup. Overall, she looks incredible. There’s something about Katie that really gets to me in the best possible way. It could be the fact that there’s just something special about her. She doesn’t look like every other woman on the red carpet and I really like that. Of course, it could also be the fact that she’s super smoking hot. Regardless, I enjoy these photos and in the end, isn’t that really all that matters? Well, I suppose it helps if you all enjoy the photos as well so, um, I hope you like them as much as I do!

June 5, 2014

We Know Katherine Webb Because…

… once upon a time, a pretty young woman went to a football game to watch her boyfriend play. A commentator covering the game made a few comments about how lucky this basketball player was as well as a few comments about how attractive this young woman was. All hell then broke loose. The young woman in question? Katherine Webb, who was Miss Alabama at the time. Her boyfriend? AJ McCarron, quarterback for Alabama. The commentator was Brent Musburger. Does any of this ring a bell at all? After the public uproar, Webb said she felt the media was being unfair to Musburger (a sentiment I strongly agreed with) but she definitely didn’t seem to mind the spike her popularity took as a result. She parlayed the drama into a spot on the misguided celebrity high diving show, creatively titled ‘Splash’, and covered Super Bowl XLVII for Inside Edition.

June 5, 2014
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Cheryl Burke Dresses Up Like The Mirror Ball Trophy?

Guys, I won’t even lie – I am obsessed with Dancing with the Stars. I start looking forward to the next season as soon as a winner is crowned the season before. When Merryl and Maks won this year, I nearly wept. Here’s the thing though, as much as I like Dancing with the Stars, I’m not a huge Cheryl Burke fan. I don’t dislike her, per say, but she’s definitely not my favorite pro on the show. She’s a great dancer and a beautiful woman but I’ll take Anna Trebunskaya, Karina Smirnoff or Kym Johnson over her any day. With all that out of the way though, I have to admit Cheryl is looking pretty killer in these photos. I like the dress. It looks fabulous on her. Shoes look a tad uncomfortable though.

June 5, 2014
Comments Off on Paris Hilton Is Still Famous. I Swear.

Paris Hilton Is Still Famous. I Swear.

If you read my Katherine Webb post from a few hours ago, you may be wondering how I can say no one remembers her while writing about Paris Hilton like she’s still a celebrity. Here’s the truth – Paris is still a huge celebrity, especially overseas. Her habit of getting involved with scandals every so often has helped keep her name in the headlines, a strategy that likely would’ve worked wonderfully for Miss. Webb were she not far too good to participate in such antics. Paris is all about being rich and famous and I’ve a feeling, she’ll do everything she can to stretch her 15 minutes out as long as possible. Is she as famous as she once was? Absolutely not but she’s also far from forgotten about.

June 5, 2014
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Katherine Webb… Remember Her

As you guys probably know, things have been pretty complicated for me over the last little while which has resulted in frequent absences from posting here on HQ Celebrity. I won’t bore you with all the details because trust me, they’re really boring. Anyway, during this time, old assignments have piled up and it was decided that I should just go and post the photos even though they’re a bit old now because, hey, hot women are hot women, yes? So far, just going back and doing those old, piled up assignments has told me that in the entertainment industry, change doesn’t really come in a hurry. The people that were in the news when their photo originally went up are still popular now, in some cases, a year later. That’s not something I would’ve guessed about pop culture. It seems to have such a short memory typically. That string has changed today with Katherine Webb. Gorgeous woman, yes, but without looking, can anyone remember why she was such a big name for about five minutes last summer? Give it a try. I’ll tell you the answer in a few hours when I get to another photo set for this lovely, but mostly forgotten, young woman.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }