Search Results for “j”

December 22, 2013
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Arianny Celeste Is A Stunning Beach Babe

Oh dear me. It seems like it’s been forever and a day since I had the chance to write about my undying love for Arianny Celeste and that ridiculous bikini body of hers. I mean, just look at her running around and frolicking on the beach in Miami. Is there anything wrong with these photos at all? Certainly nothing that I can see. The woman hits all the right marks and I adore her for it. More than that though, she’s a strong, confident woman – two qualities I definitely respect. Great shots – just awesome, awesome shots.

December 22, 2013
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Kim Kardashian In A Lace Doily

Blech. Just not feeling this Kim Kardashian look on any level. First of all, she looks nothing like herself. Second of all, the dress is ridiculous. In these shots, snapped in Los Angeles, Kim is looking nothing at all like the stunning fashionista I’m used to seeing in her photos. A few short hours ago, I wrote a post about Kendall Jenner being hotter than Kim. I don’t think I’d get any argument if we were just judging on these photos vs. the Kendall photos from a few hours ago. Maybe Kim’s losing her touch or maybe she just had an off day.

December 20, 2013

Lizzie Cundy Can Show As Much Skin As She Wants. She Still Doesn’t Do It For Me

Yeah, here’s the deal – I don’t find Lizzie Cundy attractive in the least. Now, before any of you internet heroes comes raging to her defence, I admit without shame that she is far more attractive than me. That doesn’t mean she’s all that attractive though. In these shots from London, I want to focus on her breasts or her body but I’m distracted by her hyper pointy features. She’s looks more elf than human to me. Not to worry though, Lizzie. I’m just some chick that writes about famous people for a living. You’re actually famous for a living and there are tons of people in the world that find you very lovely. I’m just not one of them.

October 31, 2013
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Kate Upton Looks In-Freaking-Credible

Sometimes Kate Upton loses me a bit. I don’t really know if it was because she seemed to be everywhere for an extended period of time or if it was because I made myself sick of her by fixating on her for so long but whatever the reason, it takes a lot for Kate Upton shots to really get me going these days. These shots do it. They really do. I love the way Kate’s makeup is done here. I love the hair. I love the dress – gorgeous on all levels. Truly a great set of photos.

October 31, 2013

Miley Cyrus Looking … Classy? WHAT?

So I saw Miley Cyrus name on my assignments list and clicked on the photos with my eyes pre-rolled and my hand all ready to cover my mouth as I sarcastically yawned over Miley’s newest outrageous stunt and then I looked at the photos. Huh? Miley looks … classy again? Now this, Miley Cyrus – this is how it’s done. Keep us on our feet! Keep us guessing! Who’s gonna show up for the party? Slutty Miley? Classy Miley? Somewhere in between? I was just about to count Miley out as yet another teen star who struck out to present a more mature image and went to far with it only to find there was no going back. While I’m not ready to say Miley has avoided that yet, these photos are a great indication that there is still hope.

October 30, 2013

Nicole Scherzinger Plays It Safe

When I saw this first shot of Nicole Scherzinger getting out of a car in London, I was certain I would scroll down and see panties, allowing me another chance to rant about how tired upskirts of women getting out of cars have become. Kudos to Nicole Scherzinger for mostly avoiding that here. Oddly enough though, I’m a little disappointed. I kinda wanted to see Nicole’s panties which makes me feel gross and wrong. What have you done to me internet? Give me my soul back! Any ‘ole who, Nicole looks great here and once again, serious credit has to be given to her for being smart enough to avoid that dreaded crotch shot.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }