Search Results for “kate h”

October 13, 2012

Sexy Pics Of Kate Upton In A See Through Shirt.

So those are Kate Upton’s nipples. Am I supposed to be talking about anything else in this post? I suppose it’d be a pretty short post if I didn’t, right? Okay, let me pull it together. Here’s what I know for sure about these pictures. Kate Upton looks great. Her body looks great. Her nipples look great. Add all that up and you have a smoking hot set of pictures. For the record, I love Terry Richardson (the photographer – he’s shown in one of the photos) but I really prefer his more ‘out there’ photo shoots. With that said, these pictures are still fabulous. I don’t think it would be possible for me to be more attracted to Kate. She’s just stunning. Remember a few months back where there was all sorts of drama about her weight? Didn’t get it then, don’t get it now. This woman is gorgeous. Nothing to complain about here at all.

September 13, 2012

Kate Beckinsale And Her Fantastic Ass In LA

You know what I love most about Kate Beckinsale? She can be sexy and show off her body without looking trashy or sleazy. Even dressed down in casual attire with her hair a little on the messy side as she strolls around LA, Kate looks stunning. I haven’t seen all of her movies, but what I have seen, I’ve definitely enjoyed. She’s just the kind of woman that appeals to me on all levels. She’s classy, smart, sexy, talented and witty. Her interviews are always enjoyable and her photos are always sexy. If I was forced to name my favorite Hollywood woman, Kate Beckinsale would probably come out on top.

August 11, 2012

Gorgeous New Pics Of Stunning Kate Beckinsale

Words will never be enough to express how very, very much I love Kate Beckinsale. Yes, she’s sexy. Yes, she’s talented. What really wins me over about her though is her confidence. More than that, her confidence never seems like arrogance. That can be a mighty fine line sometimes but while some of the other women in the entertainment industry cross the line on a regular basis, Kate always seems to stay on the right side of it. She’s a strong woman who is in control of her image and I respect that. Granted, she could be hell on wheels away from the cameras but from where I sit, she seems like a pretty great role model. Of course, the fact that she’s a smoking hot babe doesn’t make me like her any less. These photos are some of my favorites – absolutely stunning.

August 5, 2012

Imogen Thomas Shows Off Her Sexy Body As She Roller Skates

You know what I love about roller skates? Everything! Women on roller skates remind me of roller discos. Sure I wasn’t alive when roller discos were all the rage but I think I would’ve enjoyed them. Roller skates remind me of those diners where the waitresses took orders and delivered food on roller skates. Of course I wasn’t around for those either but again, I think that’s something I would’ve enjoyed. Is it possible to feel nostalgic for a time before you were born? If so, Imogen Thomas has made that happen for me. I think she looks fantastic cruising around on her roller skates in that teeny tiny outfit in London, England. Imogen has a fantastic body and clearly isn’t shy about showing it off. I love a woman with confidence and Imogen has that in spades. Love these pictures. Perhaps my favorite set of Imogen thus far.

July 25, 2012

Kate Upton Is Not Freaking Fat.

If Kate Upton is fat, I demand to see photos of someone who is skinny. I mean that. I don’t believe a skeleton with skin stretched over it is sexy. You know who I think is sexy? Kate freaking Upton. Look at this woman! I demand to know where the fat is on that body. For those of you that have no idea what the heck I’m talking about, let me tell you all about it. A few weeks back, a blogger posted a rather scathing review of Kate’s body. In this post, the woman called Kate a whole lot of extremely unpleasant names, fat probably being the nicest of them. I would link to the blog but it doesn’t deserve more traffic than it already gets. Let me be clear. There is nothing in the world wrong with being skinny. I am a very skinny girl. The skeleton with skin stretched over it? That’s pretty much me. I’m okay with that. Kate has a bit of meat on her bones but that does not mean she’s fat. The blog in question said it’s designed to help skinny women feel comfortable with who they are. That’s fine. I agree that skinny women sometimes get picked on just as much as heavier women and that’s wrong. My problem is the idea that you have to tear someone else down to make yourself feel better. I can be harsh on celebrities sometimes but I’m not here to make anyone feel good and I would never call out a woman on her body type unless she looked unhealthy – heavy women and skinny women alike. People need to learn how to be cool with who they are or work toward looking how they want to look in a healthy way. It’s about respecting yourself but that doesn’t mean disrespecting other people in the process.

June 8, 2012
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Kate Beckinsale Is My Ideal Woman.

I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating. I am more or less a straight female but I would gladly consider switching teams for Kate Beckinsale. There isn’t a single thing about this woman that doesn’t captivate me. She’s absolutely gorgeous, yes but she’s also smart, charming and funny. She also seems like a fantastic mother. No, in my eyes Kate Beckinsale can do no wrong. In these photos, we see Kate celebrating Memorial Day in Malibu with her family and she looks like she’s having a pretty low key day. I think that might be what I love about her most. She seems to be the kind of woman that can just sit back and enjoy the simpler things in life. I love this lady. Beautiful and classy.

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