Search Results for “skin”

June 2, 2014
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Irina Shayk Is A Beautiful Beach Bunny

I don’t know if there are words strong enough to state how much I enjoy these photos of Irina Shayk. I enjoy them a lot – love them even. Problem is, I’m not sure I can say exactly why. They’re not the most exciting photos we’ve ever seen of her and it’s not like she’s flashing a whole lot of skin but for some reason, these shots really get to me. Maybe it’s the fact that they’re kind of unexpected. Lately, I’ve been a bit back and forth on Irina but these pics definitely put me firmly back in pro Irina territory. I love the dress she’s chosen here and I love the more subdued look. I sometimes find Irina favors heavy makeup and that tends to turn me off but not in these shots. She’s really kept things understated and I think it really, really works for her.

January 4, 2014
Comments Off on Julia Restoin Has Some Super Sexy Eyes Going On There

Julia Restoin Has Some Super Sexy Eyes Going On There

Oh my my. I know she’s not flashing a lot of skin or posing in a super seductive way but it doesn’t matter. Julia Restoin is seriously knocking it out of the park in these photos and I attribute that, in large part, to those killer eyes of hers. She takes these photos to a whole other level just by looking into the camera with that seductive, sultry look in her eyes. I think that’s why I love these photos as much as I do. In truth, there really isn’t anything especially memorable about them – except, of course, for that look on her face. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

December 21, 2013
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Jessica Simpson With Her Boobs Pushed Up To Her Chin

I always wonder why women choose to push their boobs up so unnaturally high when they want to look good.  I know this is only my opinion and it’s likely one not shared by many of you people out there in cyber space but I don’t think the jacked up boob look works for, well, any woman. I’m normally a big fan of Jessica Simpson’s looks but … not so much here. She just looks uncomfortable in her skintight, low-cut dress in these shots of her night out in Los Angeles. At least she looks good aside from the chin rest boobs.

October 8, 2013
Comments Off on Helen Flanagan Looks Kind Of Okay, I Guess

Helen Flanagan Looks Kind Of Okay, I Guess

I have a few problems with Helen Flanagan. Sometimes I think she looks incredible. Other times, I think she just looks desperate for attention. These photos of Helen leaving her hotel in Liverpool definitely fall into the “other times” category. The loud printed belly top is okay and I like it paired with a nice pair of jeans but I’m not loving the cut out pockets of the jeans. That skin just doesn’t need to be exposed. I might be the only person that feels that way but I feel that way all the same. Does she look good? Sure … just not exactly my cup of tea.

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